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Classical Greece Part 3 Alexander.

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1 Classical Greece Part 3 Alexander

2 The Rise of Macedon Macedon was a wannabe Greek Kingdom north of “Real” Greece 359 Philip II becomes King of Macedon He reforms the Army, lengthening the Spear and creating the most efficient military unit of the day. A Phalanx of Hoplites 16 rows deep. Philip II used his phalanxes to invade Greece and Thrace By 338 BC he has conquered all of Thrace and Greece except Sparta

3 Alexander is educated as a n Athenian
Philip II’s Son was given the best education possible…he was sent to Athens Aristotle was his teacher He learns to love Athens and what it stands for And hate the Persians who burnt it. In 336 He is murdered by either a Persian agent or an agent of his first wife Olympia, Alexander’s Mother

4 Alexander conquers Persia
336 BC at 20 Alexander becomes King 334 BC he invades Persia When he takes its capital…he burns it for revenge By the time he died of malaria in 323 He had conquered from… Greece to the Indus valley, and from Afghanistan to Egypt and Libya!

5 After Alexander’s Death
Alexander’s Empire was divided into three parts The Antigonid Empire - Macedon and part of Greece The Seleucid Empire – Most of Persia And Ptolemaic Egypt

6 These Empires were ruled by Greeks and lasted 300 years!
Thus Greek Culture was spread From India to Spain and eventually even to Ireland First by Trade Then by Colonization And last by Conquest It became the basis for Western Civilization

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