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Intro to Business Final Jeopardy!!!!

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1 Intro to Business Final Jeopardy!!!!
The final is 120 points Mixture of Matching, Mini Matching, and Short Answer

2 Final Jeopardy Center Right Side of Room Center Back Left Side of Room Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 1 x2 Hodgepodge 200 400 600 800 1000

3 An economy that is controlled by a central authority is known as
Question: Unit Points An economy that is controlled by a central authority is known as

4 Know Market, Traditional, and Mixed
Answer: Unit Points What is Command Economy Know Market, Traditional, and Mixed

5 What happens to price when supply goes down?
Question: Unit Points What happens to price when supply goes down?

6 What is Goes up Answer: Unit 1 400 Points
Since price is up, demand goes down Know the parts of a supply and demand graph

7 Question: Unit Points Define GDP?

8 Answer: Unit Points What is Total value of all final goods and services produced in a country during one year (Gross Domestic Product)

9 There are 4 parts of the business cycle, list them
Question: Unit Points There are 4 parts of the business cycle, list them

10 What is Recession, Depression, Recovery, Peak
Answer: Unit Points What is Recession, Depression, Recovery, Peak

11 What is the difference between a deficit and debt
Question: Unit Points What is the difference between a deficit and debt

12 Deficit is a budget shortfall Debt is all money owed
Answer: Unit Points What is Deficit is a budget shortfall Debt is all money owed Surplus is if you have more money then you spend

13 Someone who takes a risk in starting a business to earn a profit
Question: Unit Points Someone who takes a risk in starting a business to earn a profit

14 What is an Entrepreneur
Answer: Unit Points What is an Entrepreneur

15 A business that is owned by two or more individual
Question: Unit Points A business that is owned by two or more individual

16 What is a partnership Answer: Unit 2 400 Points
Know the other two types of business ownership: Corporation and Sole Proprietor

17 What is Michigan’s adult minimum wage?
Question: Unit Points What is Michigan’s adult minimum wage?

18 Which would you be paid if they differ?
Answer: Unit Points What is $8.90 U.S. Minimum wage is $7.25 Which would you be paid if they differ? The higher of the two

19 Name 3 of the 7 groups that are protected from discrimination
Question: Unit Points Name 3 of the 7 groups that are protected from discrimination

20 What is Answer: Unit 2 800 Points 1. Age (over 40) 2. Race 3. Sex
Religion 4. National Origin 5. Disability 7. Pregnancy

21 Question: Unit Points If a boss maintains tight control which leadership style are they using?

22 Tactical, Autocratic, Dictatorship
Answer: Unit Points What is Tactical, Autocratic, Dictatorship Know the Others: Strategic or Participative, Delegate or Free Rein and Mixed or Situational

23 Explain the target market for the Ford Super duty truck
Question: Unit Points Explain the target market for the Ford Super duty truck

24 What are Males, Middle Aged, Need to move lots of items, Have money
Answer: Unit Points What are Males, Middle Aged, Need to move lots of items, Have money

25 Name two concerns new technology brings to business
Question: Unit Points Name two concerns new technology brings to business

26 Security, injury, more specialty employees, etc.
Answer: Unit Points What is Security, injury, more specialty employees, etc.

27 Programs that run a computer and processes
Question: Unit Points Programs that run a computer and processes

28 Answer: Unit Points What is Software

29 What is the accounting equation
Question: Unit Points What is the accounting equation

30 What is Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity
Answer: Unit Points What is Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity

31 What are the three categories shown on the Income Statement
Question: Unit Points What are the three categories shown on the Income Statement

32 What is Gross Income or Revenue Expenses Net Income or Earnings
Answer: Unit Points What is Gross Income or Revenue Expenses Net Income or Earnings

33 Question: Unit 1 x2 200 Points
Which is the supply curve? A B

34 Answer: Unit 1 x2 200 Points What is A

35 Question: Unit 1 x2 400 Points
What is a multinational corporation

36 What is A company that is in many countries
Answer: Unit 1 x2 400 Points What is A company that is in many countries

37 Question: Unit 1 x2 600 Points
What are ethics?

38 What is Principles of morality or rules of conduct
Answer: Unit 1 x2 600 Points What is Principles of morality or rules of conduct

39 Question: Unit 1 x2 800 Points
Define unemployment rate

40 Individuals over 16 that are actively looking for work
Answer: Unit 1 x2 800 Points What is Individuals over 16 that are actively looking for work Know other economic indicators: Inflation, balance of trade, balance of payments, exchange rate, etc.

41 Question: Unit 1 x2 1000 Points
Government-set limit on the quantity of a product that may be imported or exported within a given period

42 Know other trade terms such as Embargo, Free Trade Agreements, Tariff
Answer: Unit 1 x Points What is a Quota Know other trade terms such as Embargo, Free Trade Agreements, Tariff

43 Question: Hodgepodge 200 Points
Name two benefits you can receive from employment besides pay

44 Answer: Hodgepodge 200 Points
What is Retirement funds, insurance, free stuff (car, clothing, phone), etc.

45 Question: Hodgepodge 400 Points
Name 2 ways you can improve leadership skills

46 Answer: Hodgepodge 400 Points
What is Practice, work with a good leader, take a class, read a book

47 Question: Hodgepodge 600 Points
All resources fall into three categories Capital Human Natural What would a building be considered?

48 Answer: Hodgepodge 600 Points
What is A. Capital

49 Question: Hodgepodge 800 Points
An economy in which goods and services are produced the way they have always been produced.

50 Answer: Hodgepodge 800 Points
What is a Traditional Economy

51 Question: Hodgepodge 1000 Points
Separate legal entity formed by documents filed with a state, it is owned by one or more shareholders and managed by a board of directors

52 Answer: Hodgepodge 1000 Points
What is a Corporation

53 Final Jeopardy – Make your Wager

54 Final Jeopardy Question
List and explain three of the economic indicators

55 What is Final Jeopardy Answer Unemployment rate
Consumer spending / saving Inflation / deflation Interest rate Balance of trade / balance of payments Exchange rate

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