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Lesson 6 Usage Defending yourself on the phone. This lesson contains several phrases that will help you to communicate on the phone. ¿Podría repetir eso.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 6 Usage Defending yourself on the phone. This lesson contains several phrases that will help you to communicate on the phone. ¿Podría repetir eso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 6 Usage Defending yourself on the phone

2 This lesson contains several phrases that will help you to communicate on the phone. ¿Podría repetir eso lentamente? Could you repeat that slowly? Another word for slowly is despacio. ¿Podría repetirlo? Could you repeat it? No entendí lo que usted dijo. I did not understand what you said.

3 You could also use commands to defend yourself on the phone: Take the yo form of any verb. Tengo Cut off the O Teng -ar verbs add –e and –er/-ir verbs add –a Tenga

4 Examples: Hable lentamente por favor. Please speak slowly. Repítalo por favor. Repeat it please. Dígale al banquero que se necesita. Tell your banker that it is required. No me grite. Dont yell at me.

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