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Start-to-End Simulations for the TESLA LC

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1 Start-to-End Simulations for the TESLA LC
A Status Report Nick Walker DESY TESLA collaboration Meeting, Frascati, 26-28th May 2003

2 A ‘Mixed-Bag’ of Topics
Software tools (MERLIN advertisement) Beam-based alignment of the TESLA linac DFS vs Ballistic Alignment S2E simulations of luminosity performance

3 Simulation and Simulation Tools
Much progress made towards ‘true’ S2E simulations during TRC studies Codes used: PLACET (linac) MERLIN (LET) LIAR (linac) DIMAD (BC, BDS) MAD (BC, BDS) ELEGANT (BC) GUINEAPIG (for beam-beam) 90

4 Software tools MERLIN C++ class library Used to simulate Models:
Bunch Compressor Main Linac BDS DR (A. Wolski, LBNL) Models: Single-bunch wakefields Full 3D alignment errors Girders and complex geometries Diagnostics & tuning algorithms Thin-spoiler scattering (used for halo and collimation studies) Synchrotron radiation Control system-like interface

5 Software tools Two tracking modes: New MATLAB interface
MERLIN C++ class library Two tracking modes: Particles (ray tracing, 2nd O TRANSPORT) Slice macro-particles (linac, LIAR/PLACET) New MATLAB interface More details later in this talk Powerful and Flexible Allows rapid code development Not for the faint hearted!

6 TESLA Linac Alignment A Little History
Many studies for CDR and TDR, most based on Dispersion Free Steering (DFS) P. Tenenbaum (SLAC) made an independent study using LIAR for EPAC [Tenenbaum, Brinkmann, Tsakanov] PT’s results suggested ~140% emittance growth on average using this method! [budget: 50%] Culprit was assumed to be cavity tilts (300mr RMS), but is (I believe) actually BPM resolution (10mm RMS)

7 DFS Find an orbit (trajectory) that minimises dispersion
changing the lattice – beam energy match; measure difference orbit; using known lattice model, calculate (fit) orbit correction to minimise difference orbit; measured difference linear model quadrupole offsets

8 DFS Find an orbit (trajectory) that minimises dispersion
changing the lattice – beam energy match; measure difference orbit; using known lattice model, calculate (fit) orbit correction to minimise difference orbit; measured difference linear model quadrupole offsets random

9 DFS Find an orbit (trajectory) that minimises dispersion
changing the lattice – beam energy match; measure difference orbit; using known lattice model, calculate (fit) orbit correction to minimise difference orbit; measured difference linear model quadrupole offsets random upstream ‘jitter’

10 DFS: Problems Fit is ill-conditioned
with BPM noise DF orbits have very large unrealistic amplitudes. Need to constrain the absolute orbit minimise Sensitive to initial launch conditions (steering, beam jitter) need to be fitted out or averaged away

11 DFS for TESLA The effect of upstream beam jitter on DFS simulations for the TESLA linac. 1 sy initial jitter 10 mm BPM noise 45.0 with incoming jitter fitted out 40.0 no jitter 35.0 norm. vertical emittance (nm) budget 30.0 25.0 uncorrected cavity tilts cause problems for TESLA 20.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Quadrupole # average over 100 random machines

12 Ballistic Alignment Turn of all components in section to be aligned [magnets, and RF] use ‘ballistic beam’ to define straight reference line (BPM offsets) Linearly adjust BPM readings to arbitrarily zero last BPM restore components, steer beam to adjusted ballistic line 62

13 Ballistic Alignment 62

14 New Simulations using PLACET and MERLIN
14 quads per bin (7 cells, Df = 7p/3) RMS Errors: quad offsets: 300 mm cavity offsets: 300 mm cavity tilts: 300 mrad BPM offsets: 200 mm BPM resolution: 10 mm CM offsets: 200 mm initial beam jitter: 1sy (~10 mm) New transverse wakefield included (~30% reduction from TDR) [Zagorodnov and Weiland, PAC2003] wrt CM axis

15 Ballistic Alignment Less sensitive to model errors beam jitter
average over 100 seeds

16 Ballistic Alignment We can tune out linear <yd> and <y’d> correlation using bumps or dispersion correction in BDS initial energy spread (3%) cavity tilts (27 deg phase in first twenty cells) average over 100 seeds

17 100 Random Machines 94% 85% dispersion corrected
60% achieved average of 26 or less (>80% for dispersion correction)

18 Ballistic Alignment: Problems
Controlling the downstream beam during the ballistic measurement large beta-beat large coherent oscillation Need to maintain energy match scale downstream lattice while RF in ballistic section is off use feedback to keep downstream orbit under control large linac apertures a + for TESLA

19 S2E Simulations of Dynamic Errors [Ground Motion]
collaborative effort between Glen White (QMUL,UK) Nick Walker (DESY) Daniel Schulte (CERN) bulk of the work primary objectives: the ‘banana’ effect and its correction intra-train fast feedback intra-train lumi optimisation using fast lumi monitor

20 Bananas TESLA: high disruption regime:
long. correlated emittance growth causes excessive luminosity loss (‘banana’ effect) Brinkmann, Napoly, Schulte, TESLA-01-16

21 Bananas TESLA luminosity as a function of linac emittance growth
Note: Dey will contain a correlated component due to wakefields D. Schulte. PAC03, RPAB004

22 Beam-Beam Issues Rigid bunch approximation D. Schulte. PAC03, RPAB004

23 Beam-Beam Issues GUINEAPIG result ‘banana effect’
Now optimise (scan) collision offset and angle (collision feedback) D. Schulte. PAC03, RPAB004

24 Beam-Beam Issues optimise beam-beam offset D. Schulte. PAC03, RPAB004

25 Beam-Beam Issues optimise beam-beam offset and angle
OK for ‘static’ effect dynamic effects still a problem D. Schulte. PAC03, RPAB004

26 Simulating the Dynamic Effect
LINAC BDS IR IP FFBK Realistic simulated ‘bunches’ at IP linac (PLACET, D.Schulte) BDS (MERLIN, N. Walker) IP (GUINEAPIG, D. Schulte) FFBK (SIMULINK, G. White) bunch trains simulated with realistic errors, including ground motion and vibration All ‘bolted’ together within a MATLAB framework by Glen White (QMC)

27 Simulating the Dynamic Effect
Intra-train fast feedback modelled realistically using bunches from PLACET+MERLIN simulations realistic beam-beam simulation using GUINEAPIG Angle feedback kicker modelled correctly in MERLIN

28 Simulating the Dynamic Effect
LINAC (PLACET, inc. multi-bunch effects) ‘static’ alignment errors randomly added RMS values chosen to give design emittance growth (10nm) on average BDS (MERLIN) no static errors currently included Ground motion first pass: effect of random 70nm RMS quadrupole jitter full correlated ground motion models implemented

29 Simulating the Dynamic Effect
First 500 bunches of single bunch train modelled (~18%) Fast feedback first corrects angle [BPM] and offset [beam-beam kick] <50 bunches attempt lumi optimisation by scanning offset and angle fast lumi monitor correctly modelled by tracking pairs (produced by GUINEAPIG)

30 Simulating the Dynamic Effect
IP beam angle IP beam offset

31 Simulating the Dynamic Effect
21034 cm-2s-1 Only 1 seed: need to run many seeds to gain statistics!

32 By-product of Dynamic Studies
database of beam-beam events (GUINEAPIG) quasi realistic beams from linac/BDS simulations contains spent e± beam beamstrahlung e± pairs etc. useful for HEP detector studies

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