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Unstable Government Terms

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1 Unstable Government Terms
Unstable government- A government that is unable to provide for the medical, social, and infrastructural needs of the people in that country. Famine- An extreme scarcity of food causing wide- spread starvation that can lead to death. Medical epidemic- A severe outbreak of a disease upon a population. Obstacles to Education- Any barrier(s) that make obtaining an education difficult; near impossible.

2 Causes of Instability War/ Civil War; Conflict
Lack of Infrastructure (Transportation) Poor or No Healthcare/ Epidemics (HIV/AIDS; Flu) Poor Agricultural practices (Famine) Lack of Education (Low Literacy Rate= Low GDP; Low Standard of Living) Government Corruption Overpopulation/ Unemployment (Poverty) Natural Disaster (Drought, Flooding, Hurricane)

3 Causes of Instability and the effects
Lack of Education leads to instability because without access to education the population will have low literacy rates. This leads to… Lack of Infrastructure leads to instability because roads, buildings, and especially schools, aren’t created or maintained by the government. This leads to… Natural Disaster, specifically drought, has led to extreme loss of crop production (agriculture). This leads to… Communication loss leads to instability because governments cannot communicate effectively or access information, to direct security forces to defend themselves. This leads to…

4 Least Stable to Most Stable
Sudan Has been engaged in civil war for decades. Infrastructure (roads, schools, and other buildings) have been destroyed due to the fighting. Many children who aren’t able to leave, are taken and used as child soldiers in the conflicts. Families who flee conflict areas become refugees. Most refugees live in refugee camps and do not attend school regularly. Sudan also experienced famine during their 20 years of civil war. Millions of South Sudanese are now dependent on international aid to prevent starvation, and to receive medical care. Citizens of Sudan average about a 3.1 years of schooling, about third grade. This leads to a population with low literacy rate. Such few years of formal education leads to a no to low-skilled, workforce. This has a negative impact on the country’s GDP and Standard of living.

5 Least Stable to Most Stable
2. Congo Constant fighting in the Congo since its independence from Belgium in 1960 has led to civil unrest that still exists today. The fighting has led to the use children in the various conflicts. Child soldiers are and made to take up arms (weapons) and fight instead of attending school. Years of civil unrest (conflict) has had a negative impact on agriculture production. Farmers leave their homes and farms to find safety from conflicts. When this happens there aren’t enough crops to feed the people once the conflicts have ended, and everyone has returned home. A lack of government control and corruption continue to plague this mineral rich country. International Aid that has been sent to help the poorest citizens doesn’t reach them.

6 Least Stable to Most Stable
3. Nigeria Nigeria, one of the few African OPEC members, has a great deal of oil- wealth at its disposal. Unfortunately much of the oil profits (money) go to corrupt government officials, and businessmen. Oil profits (money) are reinvested back into oil companies, instead of investing to maintain infrastructure, and provide free education to students, and preparing for emergencies. Most Nigerians are relatively poor, and the 3 million people infected with AIDS cannot afford treatment. In the 1990s, Nigeria’s government began to make AIDS a priority and began to focus on prevention, treatment and care. The nation still struggles, but the government is trying to educate its citizens about prevention.

7 Least Stable to Most Stable
4. Kenya Kenya has been an independent country since In the last few decades there have been violent clashes between supporters of elected officials, over who should lead the country. This has led to times of instability while ballots are recounted to determine the winners. Kenya has a literacy rate of about 85%. Unfortunately this number doesn’t highlight the gap that persists between the literacy rate of boys 91%, and that of girls 79%. Teachers have to work to get many rural families to see the importance of educating girls. The traditional view is that boys need education to get better jobs. Girls only need to prepare for marriage. Early marriages are common in rural areas in part to the dowry, that the bride’s family will receive.

8 Least Stable to Most Stable
5. South Africa 1 in 5 South Africans may be infected with HIV/AIDS, yet few people can get the drugs, AVT’s, they need to slow the disease. AIDS took hold in South Africa first in the 1990s when the country was trying to end the old apartheid system of racial segregation. The early days of the HIV epidemic were overshadowed by the nation’s other problems. Some see HIV/AIDS as a disease only of the poor. Some men blame it on the women. Ignorance has a real impact on how rapidly this disease spreads. The government is trying hard to educate it’s citizens through HIV/AIDS prevention and education. HIV/AIDS is affects both teachers and students. Students have to stop attending school to help take care of their sick parents, younger siblings, and/or go to work. HIV/AIDS infections among adults is depleting the already small number of teachers in Africa.

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