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Ultra Ultra Liberal Con. Liberal Moderate Conservative

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Presentation on theme: "Ultra Ultra Liberal Con. Liberal Moderate Conservative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultra Ultra Liberal Con. Liberal Moderate Conservative ___________________________________

2 Topic: Political Orientation
AIM: What is political orientation?

3 I. Political Orientation
A.Defines a person’s beliefs regarding social, political, and economic issues.

4 B. Political Spectrum Ultra Ultra Liberal Con.
Liberal Moderate Conservative ___________________________________ Tool used to plot a person’s political orientation.

5 C. Political Beliefs 1. Liberal: believe the government should play an active role in promoting social, economic and political progress. Government solutions are needed for society’s problems.


7 2. Conservative Believe the government should play a very LIMITED ROLE in life. Private solutions are best answer to society’s problems Laissez Faire


9 3. Moderates Political opinions fall between both Liberals and Conservatives. Share opinions of both views.




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