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The Power of Second Chances SPMS Redo/Revision Policy

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1 The Power of Second Chances SPMS Redo/Revision Policy 2012 - 2013
“Making SPMS students accountable for their Work & Learning” ONE TEAM…ONE GOAL…NO EXCUSES! By: Lisa Patterson & The SPMS School Improvement Team

2 The Power of Second Chances (Redo/Revision Policy)
This program was designed with the goals of building positive student/teacher/parent relationships and motivating students to complete their assignments at St Pauls Middle School This presentation will not Argue the pros/cons of this program This presentation will Give you the information necessary to understand how “The Power of Second Chances” helps motivate FAILING STUDENTS!

3 The Power of Second Chances (Redo/Revision Policy)
When assignments aren’t ready, or they are incomplete or SERIOUSLY below the standard and quality of expectation, WHAT CAN TEACHERS DO? Give students a set time to either turn in their MISSING assignments or redo/revise their failed assignments to receive a passing grade.

4 What does the POWER of Second Chances look like?
Students no longer receive zeros when work isn’t turned in; they don’t have an option not to turn in work Teachers will make this clear at the beginning of the 2nd semester, 2013. Teachers have other “consequences” for work not done or not done completely or not done satisfactorily at their discretion. Late work is just that – late – but it must be completed if teachers are to correctly determine if students know and understand the standards being taught and assessed Students are given opportunities (required) to complete the work during the school day or make prior arrangements with their teacher to stay after school to complete assignments.

5 What does the “Power of second chance look like?
Students are not allowed to participate in any extra-curricular activities if they are still missing any assignments at the end of each 9 week reporting period or have attempted to turn in poor quality work more than twice a reporting period. Parents will be contacted and their assistance solicited – this must begin early and will have the greatest impact A parent conference will be required at a pre-determined number of missed assignments or failed tests, etc.

6 Effect on Grades.. Students will receive a second chance offer on any assignment not turned in on time. One or more “I”s will be give on progress reports only. Students must complete assignments before report cards go home. Any “I” grade must turn into a B, C, or D by the end of each 9 week grading period. If they fail to complete or redo the assignment after given extended time, an F will then be given. (Late and incomplete work is NEVER “A” worthy!) Students cannot receive an A on any assignment that is late or turned in incomplete and they will have no more than 2 weeks to redo or revise assignments depending on its nature which is at their teacher’s discretion. Students never receive an F if an assignment is completed within the teacher agreed allotted time frame for at least a D.

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