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Car Controlling System Using Accelerometer

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1 Car Controlling System Using Accelerometer
Done by: Saja AbuShanab Khulud Abdoelqader

2 Outlines : Introduction. The idea. Main Components. Procedure.
Programming language. Problems.

3 Introduction: This project is a wireless controlling system for a joy DC car, and it contains two parts, the first one is the remote to control the direction of the car, The second one is the car itself.

4 The idea … Our project started as controlling car using iPhone mobile but we faced a lot of problems like expensive cost and difficult to program so we changed the controlling part to using accelerometer chip instead of iPhone.

5 Main Components : Microchip PIC18F4620. Motorola Accelerometer Chip.
X-Bee Wireless S2 (120m). Sharp Distance Sensor . Car model.

6 Procedure: Sender : A remote control which is used to control the car’s directions by measuring the proper acceleration of the device, Then sending direction commands to the receiver through the X-Bee wireless chip.

7 Procedure Cont. Receiver :
X-bee wireless which is fixed on car model will receive the data and send direction command to car’s motors to move according to the received data.

8 Programming languages :
PICC to program microcontroller PIC18F4620.

9 Problems One of the main problems is making car moving using buttries not power supply ( Solve in future ). The second problem is how to save X-Bee frameware , because it is easy to lose so we should reprograme it again and again . Finally there is no sufficent components .

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