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System Software for Ubiquitous Computing

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1 System Software for Ubiquitous Computing
유비퀴터시 시스템을 실제로 운용할 때 생길 수 있는 문제점들에 대한 내용을 정리하였다. 즉 시스템 소프트웨어에 대한 내용은 아니다. (제목을 잘못 지었음) Presented by 진성근

2 Ubiquitous !! But, How?

3 Outline Characteristics of ubiquitous systems The semantic Rubicon
Discussion areas related to ubicomp Summary

4 Characteristics of ubiquitous systems
Physical integration Integration between computing nodes and physical world Spontaneous interoperation Spontaneous interoperating in changing environments Need to cope with the highly dynamic and unpredictable changes of users, HW, and SW

5 Semantic Rubicon What is Semantic Rubicon
Division between system and user for high-level decision-making or physical-world semantics processing world

6 Progress report Discovery Adaptation Integration Programming framework
Robustness Security

7 Discovery and interaction
Service discovery Example Address allocation and name resolution Challenges Avoiding overspecification More abstract and much less detailed specifications can lead to ambiguity Interaction Event systems and tuple-spaces

8 Adaptation Varying resources Content adaptation
Ubicomp should deal with limited and dynamically varying computational resources Content adaptation Content adaptation among various heterogeneous device types

9 Integration Integration with the physical world
It needs low-level application programming interfaces software is able to deal with physical sensors It needs high-level software framework Applications can sense and interact with their environment

10 Programming frameworks
Compatibility To leverage existing applications Because of large investment in the applications, their data, and knowledge of how to use them To leverage Oss without modification Oss are fragile, most users are reluctant or insufficiently sophisticated to apply OS patches, and OS functionality is generally regarded as beyond application writers’ control

11 Robustness and Routine Failures
Ubiquitous systems using wireless A radical increase of failure frequency due to wireless networking Solutions Expiration-based schemes and soft state Periodic advertisement announcing its presence or availability to the directory service Separating operations Failure-free and failure-prone operations Provide a method to solve the failures. Group communication for ‘free’ indirection To provide a level of indirection that helps rediscover lost resources

12 Security Trust Security for resource-poor devices Access control
Spontaneous interoperation Exchange cryptographic keys Security for resource-poor devices Resource-poor devices do not have sufficient computing resources for asymmetric encryption  symmetric encryption Access control Knowing an identified user’s whereabouts raises privacy issues It can be advantageous to issue time-limited capabilities

13 What is this?

14 Summary When developing ubicomp software
Ubicomp devices are small and resource constraint Human should step a side for spontaneous interoperation Ubicomp should be a part of our lives.

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