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Unit 5: Stoichiometry Moles and Molar Mass.

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1 Unit 5: Stoichiometry Moles and Molar Mass

2 The Mole 1 dozen = 12 eggs 1 ream = 500 sheets of paper
1 hat trick = 3 goals 1 mole = x 1023 of something Or 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 Also known as “Avogadro’s number”

3 The Mole 1 mole of hydrogen = 6.022 x 1023 atoms
1 mole of carbon = x 1023 atoms 1 mole of gold = x 1023 atoms 1 mole of calcium = x 1023 atoms See the pattern?

4 Understanding Check Suppose we invented a new collection unit called a “mep”. One mep contains 8 objects. A. How many paper clips in 1.0 mep? B. How many oranges in 2.0 meps? C. How many meps contain 40 gummy bears?

5 Molar Mass 1 mole of C atoms = 12.011 g 1 mole of Mg atoms = 24.305 g
Molar mass: number of grams of one mole of an element or compound 1 mole of C atoms = g 1 mole of Mg atoms = g 1 mole of Cu atoms = g What is the molar mass of the following? 1 mole of Br atoms? 1 mole of Sn atoms?

6 Molar Mass of Compounds
We can also find the molar mass of compounds by ADDING the molar masses of each element Molar masses have units of g/mol Questions to ask yourself: 1. How many of each atom? 2. Molar mass of each element? 3. Total mass from each element? Then add them all together!

7 Molar Mass of Compounds Example #1
Find the molar mass of magnesium chloride, MgCl2 Questions to ask yourself: 1. How many of each atom? 2. Molar mass of each element? 3. Total mass from each element? Then add them all together!

8 Molar Mass of Compounds Example #2
Find the molar mass of calcium hydroxide Questions to ask yourself: 1. How many of each atom? 2. Molar mass of each element? 3. Total mass from each element? Then add them all together!

9 Molar Mass Practice

10 More Practice with Molar Mass
For each of the compounds below, determine the number of atoms for each element: 1. Cu3PO4 2. Fe2(SO2)3 3. potassium phosphide Used as a quick review on Day 2

11 Practice with Molar Mass
For each of the compounds below, determine the molar mass of the compound: 1. MnBr2 2. Sr(NO3)2 Used as a quick review on Day 2

12 Calculations with Molar Mass
Grams Moles

13 The Box! Grams (g) Molar Mass (g/mol) Moles (mol) down = divide
up = multiply

14 Converting Grams to Moles
Aluminum is often used for the structure of light-weight bicycle frames. How many moles of Al are in 81.0 grams of Al? 81.0 grams Al = ? moles Al Use the box method! grams 81.0 g molar mass g/mol moles down = divide down = divide

15 Converting Grams to Moles Practice
How many moles does a 25.2 gram sample of CaCl2 contain? grams molar mass moles

16 Converting Moles to Grams
The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) provides sufficient energy to launch a rocket. How many grams of H2O2 are needed for rocket launch that requires 5.00 moles H2O2? 5.00 moles H2O2 = ? g H2O2 Use the box method! grams molar mass g/mol moles 5.00 moles up = multiply

17 Converting Moles to Grams Practice
Aluminum satellite dishes are resistant to corrosion because the aluminum reacts with oxygen in the air to form a coating of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). This tough, resistant coating prevents any further corrosion. What is the mass of 9.45 mol of Al2O3? grams molar mass moles

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