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“The Monkey’s Paw” Culminating activities

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1 “The Monkey’s Paw” Culminating activities
You are to choose 2 of the 4 activities listed below. Refer to the grading checklists/rubrics when completing your activities. When you choose your activities, go to the back counter and get any paper you might need. These will be due on Tuesday, October 24.

2 “The Monkey’s Paw” Newspaper Reporter
You work for a newspaper as a writer and an artist. You have been tasked with the job of reporting the events that occurred in the White household and creating a picture to go along with your news story. You are to write the news story as if you are a newspaper reporter; FACTUALLY retell the events of the story. (You may create dates and times to be as specific as possible). In your article, you must also convey the mood of the household at the time of the report. Use 3 words in your article that express the mood. Be sure to underline these words in your article. Choose one of the events you report on in your news story and illustrate it. Your illustration must be done neatly (no stick figures allowed!!!) and it must be colored.         You will complete the activity on the paper that we give you.

3 “The Monkey’s Paw” Comic Creator
You will need to create a comic strip/movie slide with at least six blocks that summarizes the story “The Monkey’s Paw” Think about the plot development and use the 6 boxes to illustrate it. In each movie clip, sketch the scene in the correct order as follows. 1st box- Exposition 2nd & 3rd- boxes Rising Action 4th box- Climax 5th box- Falling Action 6th box- Resolution Remember details that you see, feel, taste, and hear. Write a short title for each scene at the top of the clip. You may write on the paper provided.

4 “The Monkey’s Paw” Movie Poster
You have been hired to create the movie poster for the movie version of W.W. Jacobs short story “The Monkey’s Paw”. Your movie poster must include the following: The title of the movie The cast (which famous actors will play Mr. White, Mrs. White, Herbert, and Sgt. Major Morris). On the back you must explain (one sentence per character) WHY you cast each person to play that particular character. A picture that will make audiences want to see your movie. A catch phrase that expresses the THEME of the short story. On the back, write a summary of the “movie” (story) that contains the following words: strange, magic, wish, death, horrible, cemetery, mutilated, alive, disappointment. BE SURE YOU UNDERLINE OR HIGHLIGHT YOUR WORDS.

5 “The Monkey’s Paw” Rewrite the ending
Imagine that Mr. White hadn’t made his last and final wish, and Mrs. White opens the door to find Herbert standing there. Write a new ending to the short story. Your ending must be descriptive and thorough, it must make sense to the reader, and it must resolve the story in a new way. Answer the following questions in your new ending: What does Herbert look like? How does Mrs. White feel when she sees Herbert? How does Mr. White feel when he sees Herbert? How does Herbert act? Is there ever a third wish made? What do the Whites do with the monkey’s paw? How is the new ending resolved?

6 See back for grading rubrics!!

7 Newspaper Reporter Rewrite the Ending Movie Poster Comic Creator
Criteria Possible Points Your Earned Points Scene chosen is accurately depicted and illustrated neatly with no stick figures. 30 Description is a complete summary of the events of “The Monkey’s Paw” 3 words are used correctly to express the mood of “The Monkey’s Paw” and they are underlined. 25 Student’s best effot has been put forth. Writing is neat and illustration is colored neatly. 15 Total number of points 100 Criteria Possible Points Your Earned Points The new story ending is thoroughly done, and makes sense with W.W. Jacob’s already written portion. 20 Herbert’s physical appearance is described in the story. Herbert’s actions are described in the story. Mr. and Mrs. White’s feelings towards their son are expressed and described in the story. There is clear detail about what the Whites decide to do with the monkey’s paw. The story is resolved in a new way that makes sense with the story. Total number of points 100 Movie Poster Criteria Possible Points Your Earned Points The title and cast are clearly visible on the movie poster. 10 There is someone cast for each character. The cast members make sense and the choice for each is explained on the back of the poster. The picture on the movie poster expresses the content of “The Monkey’s Paw”, is neatly done, colored and does not seem to be done haphazardly. It appears that the student put his/her best effort into the picture. 30 Movie catch phrase is easily visible, done in color, and captures the theme of “The Monkey’s Paw”. 20 Summary on the back is complete, accurate, and includes all of the words required. Total number of points 100 Comic Creator Criteria Possible Points Your Earned Points EVERY scene has a title at the top. Boxes are completed neatly and have been colored. 10 Box 1 ACCURATELY depicts the exposition. 15 Boxes 2 and 3 ACCURATELY depict the rising action 30 Box 4 ACCURATELY depicts the climax. Box 5 ACCURATELY depicts the falling action. Box 6 ACCURATELY depicts the resolution. Total number of points 100

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