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The Case for the Deity of Christ

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1 The Case for the Deity of Christ
Titus 2:13

2 The Case for Deity The Question:
Did Jesus abandon all attributes of Deity? Heb 2:16-18 Heb 4:14-16

3 The Case for the Deity of Christ
The intent of this study is not to minimize his example, physical life, or experiences as a man but to promote who he was. That he had divine power to do as he wished and yet still in meekness, humility, as a suffering servant; yielded to the world, his enemies, and those who would become his disciples.

4 His Titles Emmanuel Mt 1:21-23, Emmanuel “God With Us”
Isa 7:14, Prophecy of Immanuel

5 His Titles Son of God Jn 1:14, 1:18, 1:34, only begotten of God
Jn 3:16, Only begotten son Heb 1:6-8, first begotten Mt 8:29, Mk 3:11, unclean spirits and demons recognized him as the Son of God Indicates Equality; of Same Kind/Lineage

6 His Titles God Jn 1:1-14, word was God Heb 1:6-8 Thy Throne O God…
Jn 20:28, Thomas Jn 5:17-18, People recognize he claimed to be equal to God

7 His Works Forgave Sins Mt 9:1-8, Healing of man with Palsy
Lk 7:36-50, Woman at Simon’s House Lk 23:39-43, Thief on Cross

8 Worship (Not Non-Deities)
His Works Worship (Not Non-Deities) Ex 20:2-6, 10 Commandments Acts 10:25-26, Peter Refused Worship Acts 14:8-18, Paul and Barnabus Rev 22:8-9, Angels Refused Worship

9 His Works Accepted Worship Mt 8:2-3, Leper Mt 9:18-19, Ruler
Jn 9:35-38, Blind Man Jn 20:28, Thomas Mk 5:1-10, an unclean spirit

10 His Works Commanded Worship Jn 5:22, All men should Honor the Son
Heb 1:6-8, let all the Angels of God worship him

11 His Works Power over Death
Jn 2:19-22, Jesus said HE will overcome death Jn 5:19-24, quickens who he will Jn 10:15-18, Jesus has power to give his life and restore it Jn 11, Lazarus Lk 8:52-56, Daughter of Ruler

12 His Works Giver of Eternal Life Jn 5:19-24, has eternal life
Jn 6, 10:28, gives life eternal Jn 11, I am the resurrection and life

13 His Works Miraculous Knowledge Jn 2:23-25, Jesus knew all men
Jn 6:60-64, Jesus knew his disciples murmured Jn 16:19, Jesus knew the Apostles questions Mt 9:1-8, knew the thoughts of the scribes Mt 12:25, Jesus knew the Pharisees thoughts

14 Deity of Christ His Titles Emmanuel Son of God God His Works
Forgave Sins Accepted Worship Commanded Worship Power over Death Giver of Eternal Life Knew Man

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