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Managing Employee Separations, Downsizing, and Outplacement

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1 Managing Employee Separations, Downsizing, and Outplacement
5510-6 Managing Employee Separations, Downsizing, and Outplacement

2 Challenges Identify the costs and benefits associated with employee separation. Understand the differences between voluntary and involuntary separations. Avoid problems in the design of early retirement policies. Design HRM policies for downsizing the organization that are alternatives to a layoff; and, when all else fails, develop a layoff program that is effective and fair to the firm’s stakeholders. Understand the significance and value of outplacement programs.

3 Human Resource Replacement Costs
Recruitment Costs Selection Costs Training Costs Separation Costs Advertising Campus visits Recruiter time Search firm fees Interviewing Testing Reference checks Relocation Orientation Direct training costs Trainer’s time Lost productivity during training Separation pay Benefits Unemployment insurance cost Exit interview Outplacement Vacant position The costs of employee separations depend on whether managers intend to eliminate the position or to replace the departing employee. By eliminating positions, the company can reduce costs in the long run. This is why many companies in the last decade have downsized their labor forces. However, as this illustration shows, even when positions are eliminated, the separation costs can be considerable.

4 The Benefits of Employee Separations
Reduced Labor Costs An organization can reduce its total labor costs by reducing the size of its workforce. Replacement of Poor Performers If an employee does not respond to coaching or feedback, it may be best to terminate him or her. Increased Innovation An important source of innovation in companies is new people hired from the outside who can offer a fresh perspective. The Opportunity for Greater Diversity Separations create opportunities to hire employees from diverse backgrounds. Although many people see separations negatively, they have many benefits; some of which are outlined in this illustration. An employee may receive some potential benefits from a separation as well. An individual may escape from an unpleasant work situation and eventually find one that is less stressful or more personally satisfying.

5 Excelling at Exit Interviews
Start with the assumption that open and honest responses will not be easily obtained. Use skilled interviewers, preferably from the HR department. Assure departing employees that any comments they make will be held confidential (except those that concern potential legal issues) and that their responses won’t endanger their chances of getting a good job reference. Start with routine departure basics, such as when benefits will end, before moving to the heart of the interview: why the employee is leaving. Ask open-ended questions and avoid coming across as the company’s interrogator or defender. Before taking any action, make sure the feedback from exit interviews correlates with other available information. Take action. People are more likely to feel their comments make a difference at companies that have a history of responding to ex-employees’ perspectives. An employee’s final interview following separation is called an exit interview. The purpose of the interview is to find out the reasons why the employee is leaving (if the separation is voluntary) or to provide counseling and/or assistance in finding a new job. This graphic highlights key elements of successful and effective exit interviews.

6 Voluntary Separation A separation that occurs when an employee decides, for personal or professional reasons, to end the relationship with the employer.

7 Involuntary Separation
A separation that occurs when an employer decides to terminate its relationship with an employee due to (1) economic necessity or (2) a poor fit between the employee and the organization.

8 The Layoff Decision and Its Alternatives
Business Needs to Reduce Labor Costs Alternatives to Layoffs and Separations Voluntary Separations Involuntary Separations This graphic illustrates some alternatives to layoffs. These alternatives include changes in employment policies, job design, pay and benefit policies, and training. Managers can use these alternatives both to reduce labor costs and to protect the jobs of full-time employees. Early Retirements Voluntary Work Force Reductions Layoffs Outplacement

9 Alternatives to Layoffs
Employment Policies Changes in Job Design Pay and Benefits Policies Training Reduction through attribution Hiring freeze Cut part-time employees Cut internships or co-ops Give subcontracted work to in-house Voluntary time off Leaves of absence Reduced work hours Transfers Relocates Job sharing Demotions Pay freeze Cut overtime pay Use vacation and leave days Pay cuts Profit sharing or variable pay Retraining This illustration outlines the possible layoff alternatives mentioned in another graphic. Specific examples are given for possible changes in employment policies, job design, pay and benefits policies, and training.

10 Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) of 1988
A federal law requiring U.S. employers with 100 or more employees to give 60 days’ advance notice to employees who will be laid off as a result of a plant closing or a mass separation of 50 or more workers.

11 Requirements of Advance Notice for Collective Dismissals in Selected Countries
Country Notice Requirements Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom 30 days 22 to 32 days 60 to 75 days 2 to 6 months 30 to 90 days (if at least ten workers are involved) There are several arguments in favor of giving at least several weeks’ notice prior to a layoff. It is socially and professionally correct to extend employees this courtesy. But there are also arguments in favor of giving no notification. If the labor relations climate is poor, there is the potential for theft or sabotage to company equipment. In addition, the productivity of employees who are losing their jobs may decline. This graphic illustrates how requirements for layoff notification tend to be more restrictive in European countries than in the United States. In Sweden, management must give at least 60 days’ advance notice in layoffs of five or more workers, while in France as few as two workers must get at least 45 days’ notification.

12 The Dos and Don’ts of Terminating/Laying Off Employees
Give as much warning as possible for mass layoffs. Sit down one-on-one with the individual, in a private office. Complete a firing session within 15 minutes Provide written explanation of severance benefits. Provide outplacement services away from company headquarters. Be sure the employee hears about his or her termination from a manager, not a colleague. Express appreciation for what the employee has contributed, if appropriate. Terminating or laying off employees is difficult and unpleasant. However, there are certain procedures that, if followed, can make the process easier. This illustration highlights consulting firms’ suggestions of procedures that should be followed in order to facilitate terminating or laying off employees.

13 The Dos and Don’ts of Terminating/Laying Off Employees (cont.)
Don’t leave room for confusion. Tell the individual in the first sentence he or she is terminated. Don’t allow time for debate. Don’t make personal comments; keep the conversation professional. Don’t rush the employee off-site unless security is really an issue. Don’t fire or lay people off on significant dates, like the twenty-fifth anniversary of their employment or the day their mother died. Don’t fire employees when they are on vacation or have just returned. This illustration highlights consulting firms’ suggestions of procedures that should not be followed when terminating or laying off employees.

14 The Goals of Outplacement
Reducing the morale problems of employees who are about to be laid off so that they remain productive until they leave the firm Minimizing the amount of litigation initiated by separated employees Assisting separated employees in finding comparable jobs as quickly as possible. The goals of an outplacement program reflect the organization’s need to control the disruption caused by layoffs and other employee separations. The most important of these goals are presented here.

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