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English II April 25, 2018.

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1 English II April 25, 2018

2 Do Now – April 25, 2018 3rd Block: WE WILL FINSIH READING CHAPTER 22 as soon as the bell rings. BEFORE the bell, you should get your laptop and log into Edmodo, but do NOT start the quiz until after we finish reading. 4th Block: Complete the quiz on for chapters 21 and 22. Work on (five articles due Friday).

3 Chapter 23 – Here’s the important information.
Atticus is not worried about Bob Ewell’s threat, but the children and Aunt Alexandra are. Jem and Atticus discuss the following: changing the law so that rape is not a capital offense how racism affects the law / court / judicial system Atticus says, “You might like to know that there was one fellow who took considerable wearing down – in the beginning he was rarin’ for an outright acquittal” (297). Aunt Alexandra says Walter is “trash,” and says Scout cannot have him as friend. Jem has to keep Scout from saying or doing something to Alexandra.

4 Chapter 24 - Choose one to focus on
Chapter 24 - Choose one to focus on. Write the number on the sticky note with your name. Turn it into me. 1. How does Scout change? What events initiate this change? 2. How does Maudie bring about change? 3. If you were to give this chapter a title, without giving away the main event, what would you call it? Why? 4. Which page seems to have the most amount of suspense building up? Explain.

5 Small Group Discussion and Report – 10 Points
Choose a secretary. Discuss the question and your beliefs on a good answer. Help the secretary formulate and write one or two complete sentences to share with the class. Choose a speaker. When called on, tell your team’s question and report your team’s answer. We chose __________ and we decided that _______________ because _____________________________.

6 Let’s talk about mockingbirds again.
Compare Tom to the symbolic mockingbird. Which character from Part I could be considered the equivalent of a mockingbird? Why?

7 Chapter 25 – This chapter is SUPER short
Chapter 25 – This chapter is SUPER short. Read it with the recording, but stay with your team. Then, as a team, choose one question to tackle. How does Jem exemplify the theme of protecting the innocent? Is there an event in this chapter that you can relate to? Explain. Explain “the secret courts of men’s hearts” (323). Explain the last sentence of the chapter. We will report it aloud – just like we did with chapter 24.

8 Reminders  Homework: - Review chapters Part II Workbook (due Friday) - 5 Newsela articles (due Friday)  Part II Test is Friday

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