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The Magna Carta, Petition of Right & The English Bill of Rights

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1 The Magna Carta, Petition of Right & The English Bill of Rights
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2 Basic Concepts of Government
Ordered Government – regulation of relationships to one another – specific roles Limited Government – it is not all powerful Representative Government – people should have a voice and serve the people Legitimacy of Government – acceptance of authority

3 King John manages to upset everyone!!
The first king to give up some of his power was John. He is famous as Prince John in make believe stories of Robin Hood. In the stories he is a wicked and foolish prince who taxes the people of England unfairly. Some historians say John was just as foolish in real life. Others say he was simply unlucky! John ruled England from 1199 to He faced the following problems.

4 Magna Carta Magna Carta is Latin for “Great Charter”. Originally issued in 1215 AD, it led to the rule of constitutional law.

5 Magna Carta Originally written because of disagreements between Pope Innocent III and King John about the rights of the King. due process of law The most notable right granted to the people by Magna Carta was Habeus Corpus. Trial by jury

6 Petition of Rights Statement of civil liberties sent by the English Parliament to Charles I. Initiated by Sir Edward Coke

7 4 Principles: 1) No taxes may be levied without consent of Parliament.
2) No subject may be imprisoned without cause shown (habeus corpus)

8 4 Principles: 3) No soldiers may be quartered upon the citizenry.
4) Martial law may not be used in time of peace.

9 English Bill of Rights One of the basic documents of English constitutional law, along with the Magna Carta. Statement of certain positive rights that its authors considered that citizens and/or residents of a constitutional monarchy should have.

10 English Bill of Rights Asserts subjects’ rights to petition the Monarch, and to bear arms for defense. Says the King cannot do certain things without the consent of the governed.

11 English Bill of Rights Predecessor of the: United States Constitution
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights European Convention on Human Rights.

12 English Colonies Examples Virginia – commercial
Massachusetts – religious freedom Georgia – debtors, criminals Charter – all colonies had a grant of authority

13 Royal Colonies Virginia failed Leadership appt. by king Governor
Council Bicameral – property owners choose lower house

14 Proprietary Colonies Organized by proprietor PA - unicameral

15 Charter Colonies Self-governing Ran by white males
Only appeals were sent to the king

16 Problem Number 1 He quarrelled with the Pope about how to run the Church. From 1208 until 1213, the Pope banned all church services in England and English people feared that they would all go to HELL! Some Church leaders blamed John for the trouble.

17 Problem Number 2 John went to war twice against the French king. His army was badly beaten both times. He lost almost all the land that his father had gained in France!

18 Problem Number 3 John raised taxes in England to pay for the wars. This upset his BARONS! He ordered them to pay far more tax than earlier kings had done!

19 How did the barons strike back?
In 1214 many barons rebelled against John. They believed that he could not rule the country properly and was treating them unfairly. If someone did not do something the whole country could be ruined! In 1215 the barons forced John to grant a charter, which was the first time anyone had expected an English king to obey a set of rules.

20 The Magna Carta I, King John, accept that I have to govern according to the law. So I agree: 1. Not to imprison nobles without trial 2. That trials must be in courts; not held in secret by me 3. To have fair taxation for the nobles 4. To let freemen travel wherever they like 5. Not to interfere in Church matters 6. Not to seize crops without paying for them …. and lot more things too!!

21 The Magna Carta?? The Charter later became known by the Latin name Magna Carta which means “great charter”.

22 Think! What was so new about Magna Carta for English kings?
At the time, Magna Carta was not designed to help everybody. What kind of people were not helped by the charter?

23 Jump Forward a Few Hundred Years…
1642 The English Civil War pitted supporters of Charles I against the forces of Parliament, under Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell’s army defeated the forces of the king. Parliament put Charles on trial and condemned him to death as “a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy.”

24 Out With the King After the execution of Charles I, the House of Commons abolished the monarchy, the House of Lords, and the official Church of England. It declared England a republic, known as the Commonwealth, under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell. This sent a clear signal that, in England, no ruler could claim absolute power and ignore the rule of law.

25 So now who’s the king? James II (remember, his daddy is the one they just executed) angered his subjects and clashed with Parliament. he tried to restore Catholic church and absolutism. Parliamentary leaders invited James’ sister Mary and her husband William to become rulers of England. When William and Mary landed in England, James II fled to France. This bloodless overthrow of a king became known as the Glorious Revolution.

26 Can we trust them? Before they could be crowned, William and Mary had to accept the English Bill of Rights, which: ensured superiority of Parliament over the monarchy. gave the House of Commons “power of the purse.” prohibited a monarch from interfering with Parliament. barred any Roman Catholic from sitting on the throne. restated the rights of English citizens.

27 Think! How does the Bill of Rights differ from the Magna Carta?
How is the English Bill of Rights similar to ours?

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