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New Platform to Support Digital Humanities in the Czech Republic

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1 New Platform to Support Digital Humanities in the Czech Republic
INDIHU New Platform to Support Digital Humanities in the Czech Republic Tomas Foltyn

2 173 500 000 pages of the modern documents

3 18 000 000 pages of old prints and manuscripts


5 Brief summary of the DH situation in Czech Republic
isolated projects not so many DH researchers the innovation of the basic professional pro-seminars (with some exceptions) faces the resistance to change the established ways of teaching no accredited university study programs aimed to the area of DH or related fields gaps in the ways, how to provide the expected data sets other barriers…

6 Czech Republic and the activities in the DH
Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2016–2022 Academy of Sciences Strategy „AV 21“ Czech Association for Digital Humanities INDIHU – development of tools and infrastructure for digital humanities


8 project funding: NAKI II timeline: 2016 – 2020
project coordinator: Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences head of the project: Ing. Martin Lhoták 7 partners: National Library of the Czech Republic 6 institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences technological partner: inQool, a. s.

9 main tasks: to develop software solution for the virtual exhibition creation to develop virtual knowledge base software solution integration of the free OCR open-source mechanism to the INDIHU environment to integrate so far isolated databases of the Academy of Sciences institutes to the one portal workshops for the university students to enhance their knowledge about the DH research possibilities

10 INDIHU Exhibition based on the principles of the content management system for creating web pages the possibility to create an exhibition composed of several chapters simple layout, where image materials are prefered full multimedia version with spoken commentary or readable option responsive design rich documentation including video tutorials no need to be the IT technical expert solution should be suitable for the various collections




14 INDIHU Exhibition: online version:
user guides: technical information: GIThub:

15 INDIHU OCR: personal research digital archives transformation to the form enabling full-text searching automated citation creation mechanism support available freely via the web based interface based on the TESSERACT OCR solution including API interface


17 INDIHU Mind: substitution of the personal research archives
automated every day working procedures integration: RSS feeds personal research procedures trend tracking tool management system team work support data exchange tracking lists connection to the virtual conferences and most common cloud services wiki services ….and many more


19 The goal is to integrate more than 20 databases:
Digital Archive and the evidence system of the archaeological research reports Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic ETNOfolk Historical Photographs Database Database of the folk songs and dances Jan Patočka Digital Archive VITREA Databases Database of the Plans and Graphics of the Institute of Art History

20 Workshop organization:

21 CONCLUSION – DH, libraries and Czech Republic
Pluses: experience with the routine operation of databases and portals knowledge of the digital environment quality of the metadata knowledge of the development of the automated tools proof in the organization of the various activities skilled library professionals

22 CONCLUSION – DH, libraries and Czech Republic
Minuses barriers associated with limited communication with the scientific community and the university students of the relevant scientific disciplines limited feedback to the developer tools outdated scientific practices at the university proseminars small amount of the modern, methodological research papers graduates are not able to cover the current staff needs of research and memory institutions in the field of digital curators, project administrators and digital humanities experts

23 CONCLUSION – DH, libraries and Czech Republic
Challanges towards to the light future…(? x !) begin with the systematic revision of the way, how the humanities are taught at the universities even closer connection between university technical and arts departments and of course culture heritage institutions realization of the interesting research projects, which can promote DH not only to the professional public secure the continuous financial support of the established technological tools and hardware infrastructure find the funding for „early-stage“ researchers or Ph.D. students training programs at the culture heritage institutions and support new trends in humanities including DH labs creation


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