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Forecasting the impact of technology on the citizen

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2 Forecasting the impact of technology on the citizen
Tom Wills-Sandford Deputy Director General Intellect

3 Drivers Past Current & Future Processors Software Storage
Software and Services Globalisation Mobility Networks The citizen Market convergence Energy Processors Storage

4 Some priorities for UK Next generation broadband
Better understanding by government of the knowledge economy Skills – as never before! Innovation and government procurement

5 Predicting the future Past Moore’s, Wirth’s and Kryder’s ‘laws’
(Wirth: Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster) 2007 If the technology of the parts is evolving so rapidly, what is the impact of the sum on citizens? Is there a law that forecasts the impact of technology on the citizen? Moore’s law drove engineers. Would a ‘technology impact’ law help drive our industry?`

6 Predicting the future – outputs and outcomes
Mobility Always on Easier access to services Convergence Outcomes More multi-threading –’constant partial attention’ Wider & thinner social networks More visual Media producers and not consumers

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