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Original Puzzle.

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Presentation on theme: "Original Puzzle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Original Puzzle

2 F6 8 (C5,D2,E9)

3 G8 8 (B7,E9,H1)

4 I4 8 (C5,F6,G8)

5 A3 8 (B7,C5,H1)

6 E2 4 (D9,E4)

7 D1 1 (E6,F5,H1)

8 C2 1 (B9,H3)

9 D3 6 (A2)

10 F2 5 (what's left in box)

11 F5 6 (D3,E7)

12 D5 3 (C4,E3)

13 I9 6 (C8,E7,H4)

14 G1 6 (D6,H4,I9)

15 G3 2 (Phan 2's H5/6, I8)

16 I3 5 (C1,F2)

17 I1 4 (E2)

18 B2 2 (F1,G3) Hard part, Phantom 5,9 in D8,E8 because of 5,9 in row F. Thus, both 5,9 are blocked elsewhere in column 8. The 5 at C1 blocks all of row C, so phantom 5’s must exist at either A7 or A9, blocking row A elsewhere.

19 H6 5 (5's blocked by A?,C1,I3) Where can 5 go in column 6 ?? Only at H6. A? means the phantom 5 in either A7 or A9.

20 G7 5 (H6,I3)

21 A9 5 (A7 blocked by G7) Either A7 or A9 must be a 5, so G7 forces 5 at A9.

22 G4 1 (what's left in row G)

23 A5 1 (B9,C2,G4,E6)

24 H5 2 (I8) 2 in I8 blocks bottom row, forcing 2 at H5.

25 C9 2 (D7,I8)

26 I7 1 (B9,F8)

27 I6 3 (D5) 3 in D5 forces 3 at I6.

28 I5 9 (what's left in box)

29 I2 7 (what's left in row I)

30 H2 9 (what's left in box)

31 E5 5 (phan 5/9 pair in D4,E5) 9 in I5 eliminates the possibility of E5 being a 9, so it must be 5.

32 D4 9 (what's left in box)

33 D8 5 (what's left in row D)

34 E8 9 (what's left in row E)

35 B4 5 (A9,C1,E5,H6)

36 A4 7 (what's left in col 4)

37 B5 4 (what's left in col 5)

38 A6 2 (B2,C9)

39 C6 9 (what's left in box)

40 B3 7 (phan 4/7 pair in B3,C3) 4 in B5 blocks 4 in B3, so B3 must be 7.

41 C3 4 (what's left in col 3)

42 A7 9 (C6,E8,G9)

43 B1 9 (A7)

44 A1 3 (what's left in box)

45 A8 4 (what's left in row A)

46 B8 3 (what's left in row B)

47 C7 7 (what's left in box)

48 F7 3 (phan 3/7 in row F) C7 is 7, so F7 can NOT be 7 of the 3/7 pair. So, F7 must be 3.

49 F9 7 (what's left in box)

50 (row H completed by columns)
A8,D9 give H7=4; C7,F9 give H8=7; B8,F7 give H9=3. Puzzles Solved.

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