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The crucible: Culminating project

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1 The crucible: Culminating project
Design a book jacket for the play that would be no larger than a sheet of plain white paper. Your jacket should include illustrations of 3 or more elements from the play. You might include one or more characters, events, symbols, etc. On the back of this sheet, write a 3-5 sentence summary of the book that would persuade others to read it. (OR) Conduct an interview. With a partner, research the background of a character in the play. Write a script for an interview between a newspaper reporter and that character. Role-play your script for the class.

2 Project rubrics Book Jacket Character Interview
3+ Elements/Images (35pts.) Elements are Neat & Relevant to Text (50pts.) Summary is accurate, complete (3-5 sentences), and persuades readers to read the text. (15pts.) Minimum of 6 questions from the reporter to the character (30 pts.) Questions are open ended, therefore forcing the “character” to elaborate instead of answering “yes” or “no.” (20pts.) “Character” answers accurately based on his/her characterization in the play. (50 pts.)

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