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Hard questions and equally hard solutions

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1 Hard questions and equally hard solutions
Hard questions and equally hard solutions? Proceduralization through impact assessment in the European Union Claudio Radaelli, University of Exeter Anne Meuwese, University of Antwerp ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

2 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
Better regulation Old or new? Reflexive phase of the regulatory state in Europe - Metaregulation Target is the life-cycle of regulations Based on procedures (rules and standards to be used in the formulation and implementation of regulation) Pivotal role played by impact assessment (IA) ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

3 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
The rise of BR in Europe Debates on the quality of law-making and competitiveness in Europe The textbook case for IA The official presentation of BR= win-win solution BR action plan (2002) and inter-institutional agreement between COM, EP, Council (2003) IA guidelines (2002, 2005, 2008) 2007 European Council decision on burdens ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

4 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
Theorising IA The political issue at stake in the EU better regulation saga is the control of the Commission Control of the bureaucracy is exactly the explanation of IA given by delegation theory We adopt positive political economy as our starting point, but as the paper progresses we end up in more “Lindblom-partisan mutual adjustment – learning” territory This is because we add to the static theory of delegation the consideration of how the agent interacts with the principal once delegation has taken place and IA has been adopted ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

5 Theoretical contribution
Explaining the rise of procedures and regulation within government amidst calls for the “smart”, “lean”, “simplified” regulatory state Introducing evolutionary aspects in principal-agent models: institutional choice is the beginning of the game, not the end ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

6 Controlling the bureaucracy: what this means to different institutions
The MS perspective The preferences of the EP Entering pressure groups How the Commission refracts the politics of IA. Agenda-setting power = Commission writes guidelines ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

7 The hard questions behind BR
Institutional power: who is in charge of the EU law-making process? Inter-organizational control How to promote competitiveness in a EU without having shared economic policy paradigms ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

8 Research questions in our paper
Why have the EU institutions adopted IA? What are the consequences of IA adoption? ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

9 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
Core argument Since the hard questions are too hot to handle, EU actors continue to disagree by agreeing on procedural solutions Dehousse on OMC: if there is disagreement on substantive questions, EU actors go for procedures Proceduralisation creates a new opportunity structure, and we look at how actors react to the new set of opportunities We end up with the presentation of different scenarios ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

10 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
The choice for IA Increases proceduralisation in the EU Opens up the possibility to talk about “whether IA should reflect one model of governance of another”, “design of the IA procedure and its interplay with the treaty right to initiative legislation” and “official decisions on guidelines for IA” ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

11 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
What happens next? The hard questions do not disappear Questions re-surface, and harden the IA solution IA thus becomes the new opportunity structure on which EU actors face yet again the three hard questions The new structure is based on procedures that affect the formulation of new legislative and non-legislative proposals made by the Commission. As such it has potential for constitutional change Hard questions are re-elaborated by actors under new conditions. The outcome can be different from the past ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

12 Evolution: three possible outcomes
Loss of IA legitimacy due to open conflict. No-one believes in the “numbers” and the economics behind IA Degeneration of IA into tick-the-box routines Un-intended learning: actors find that the new procedure-based rules of the games enable them to explore new ways to cope with the hard questions ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

13 Exploring un-intended learning
Capacity for policy formulation is increasing Synoptic overview of proposals: the natural tendency of each DG to take apart and dissect what the other DGs propose can generate useful partisan mutual adjustment More analytical control on policy formulation via Sec Gen and IAB ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

14 Normative analysis - Scope conditions for un-intended learning
Avoid the illusion of ‘plug and play’ IA. By contrast, the long-term purpose of IA has to be addressed, including its constitutional implications Creating incentives (new professionals for example) and new capacity for analysis (but stay clear of paralysis by analysis) Abandon rational-synoptic theories in IA guidelines ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

15 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
Conclusions Due to its rationalistic appeal, IA creates incentives for head in the sand responses to the hard questions Procedures do not solve hard questions, but present a new opportunity structure in which hard questions are re-processed Learning can be achieved but only at the cost of hardening the IA solution More research on samples of IAs is needed, and more comparison between the IA-type of proceduralization and others (OMC for example) ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

16 ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008
Thanks Looking forward to your comments today Comments to C. Radaelli acknowledges the support of the Economic and Social Research Council, grant on ‘Regulatory impact assessment in comparative perspective’ ECPR Conference Utrecht 5-7 June 2008

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