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Structural Compositional Modeling of Research work

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1 Structural Compositional Modeling of Research work
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №46 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов Structural Compositional Modeling of Research work Копылова В.А., учитель МБОУ СОШ№46 с УИОП Корнеева В.В., учитель МБОУ СОШ№46 с УИОП

2 What is a research paper?
Asking a question; Doing the necessary work; and Communicating the knowledge.

3 What is a research paper?
It is a piece of scientific writing based on its author’s original research on a particular topic, and the analysis and interpretation of the research findings. It involves crafting an organized argument based on the sophisticated analysis of current research.

4 Steps for Writing Research Paper
There are some steps involved in writing a research paper:

5 State the tentative objective (or thesis)
Defining a research problem and an idea Identification of hypothesis Workflow model Write a rough draft Write a the final draft Select a subject Form a preliminary bibliography Motivate yourself Prepare a working outline Edit your paper Narrow the topic Outline the paper Start taking notes

6 Step 1: Defining a research problem and idea
Step 2: Motivate yourself Step 3: Select a subject Step 4: Narrow the topic Step 5: State the tentative objective (or thesis) Step 6: Identification of hypothesis to be tested Step 7: Form a working outline Step 9: Start taking notes Step 10: Outline the paper Step 11: Workflow model Step 12: Write a rough draft Step 13: Edit your paper Step 14: Write the final draft

7 Defining a research problem and idea
Defining a research problem is the fuel that drives the scientific process, and is the foundation of any research method and experimental design, from true experiment to case study.

8 Where to find a research problem?
Ideas for research problem real life scholarly arena the complications and issues in your local workplace reviewing recent literature, reports, or databases

9 Motivate yourself There are 2 types of motivation: Intrinsic Extrinsic

10 Intrinsic motivation Acceptance We all need to be organized. Curiosity
We all need to feel that we, as well as our decisions, are accepted by our co-workers. Intrinsic motivation Curiosity We all need to feel we are unique. We all have the desire to be in the know. Honor We all have the desire to be in the know. We all need to respect the rules and to be ethical. Independence We all need to feel we are unique. We all have the desire to be able to have influence. Order We all need to be organized. We all have the desire to feel important. Power We all have the desire to be able to have influence. We all need to feel that we, as well as our decisions, are accepted by our co-workers. Social contract We all need to have some social interactions. We all need to respect the rules and to be ethical. Social status We all have the desire to feel important. We all need to have some social interactions.

11 Questions for narrowing the topic
How to narrow the topic Who are the important people involved? Why is this an important (controversial, interesting) subject? Questions for narrowing the topic What are the major issues? How has the problem (or issue) developed? When? Where? What are my opinions regarding the topic?

12 The narrowing of the topic
Sports are enjoyable. What sport is enjoyable? Swimming is enjoyable. Why is swimming enjoyable? Swimming is enjoyable because ___________.. Narrowed topic

13 Thank you for attention!

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