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Stakeholder consultation meeting on the CAFE baseline scenario Welcome May 27-28, 2003 CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder consultation meeting on the CAFE baseline scenario Welcome May 27-28, 2003 CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder consultation meeting on the CAFE baseline scenario Welcome May 27-28, 2003

2 Purpose of meeting Review EU-wide energy and agricultural scenarios
Comment from the sectoral and national perspectives Discuss next steps CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003

3 Agenda May 27, 2003 Welcome, purpose of meeting, CAFE workplan Macro-economic assumptions Sectoral aspects May 28, 2003 Country perspectives  Next steps CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003

4 Session 1: Macro-economic assumptions
13.30 Key assumptions for the energy projections 13.45 Key assumptions for the agricultural projections 13.50 Discussion 14.00 PRIMES-CAFE baseline scenario results “with climate policies case”, overall results 14.20 Discussion CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003

5 Session 2: Sectoral aspects
14.30 Sector by sector presentations and discussions Iron&steel, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, minerals, paper&pulp, power generation, refineries, (other industry, tertiary, residential) 16.30 Agriculture Summary of agricultural scenarios Comments from stakeholders Discussion 17.00 Transport sector Transport development as modelled by PRIMES Initial comparison with SCENES projections 18.00 Adjourn CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003

6 Session 3: Country perspectives
May 28, 2003 9.00 Presentations by national coordinators including topics such as National energy policies National peculiarities Major obvious inaccuracies in the PRIMES calculations, if any Comparison of the PRIMES calculations with national projections National agricultural outlooks Comparison with the DG-AGRI projection Questions and discussion (5 min) 15.30 Next steps, conclusions 16.00 Adjourn CAFE BASELINE SCENARIO STAKEHOLDER MEETING, MAY 27-28, 2003

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