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APPLICABLE TO RIDER COURSES. RIDERCOACH ACTIVITIES RiderCoaches will provide information : 1.About obtaining motorcycle training permit 2.Regarding the.

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Presentation on theme: "APPLICABLE TO RIDER COURSES. RIDERCOACH ACTIVITIES RiderCoaches will provide information : 1.About obtaining motorcycle training permit 2.Regarding the."— Presentation transcript:


2 RIDERCOACH ACTIVITIES RiderCoaches will provide information : 1.About obtaining motorcycle training permit 2.Regarding the states personal gear requirements 3.Regarding the states motorcycle equipment requirements 4.regarding the states insurance requirements

3 DEFINITION MOTORCYCLE IS A MOTOR VEHICLE: With or without a side car Having not more than three wheels in contact with the ground Has a saddle or seat on which the rider sits OR a platform on which the rider stands Vehicle having or designed to have a completely enclosed driver's seat and a motor which is not in the enclosed area Motor produces more than five brake horsepower

4 MOTORCYCLE TRAINING PERMIT 16 years of age or older Must possess a Connecticut motor vehicle drivers license Has not had such a license suspended or revoked Must pass vision and knowledge tests Must present a parental consent form if under 18 years of age

5 PERMIT RESTRICTIONS Must have motorcycle permit and drivers license in possession while operating the motorcycle Must wear Helmet*, Regardless of age * U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT ) or National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) approved protective headgear Cannot operate motorcycle on a multiple lane limited access highway Cannot operate motorcycle at night Cannot operate motorcycle out-of-state Cannot carry passengers on motorcycle Violation of the above 1 ST Offense $35-$50 subsequent offenses not greater than $100 &/or no more than 30 days in Jail

6 VALID PERMIT PERIOD 1. 60 days 2.May be renewed once in calendar year, 3.Get a new permit issued, for an additional 60 days

7 ENDORSEMENT Applicant has not had an endorsement within the preceding 2 years An applicant for a motorcycle endorsement must successfully complete a novice motorcycle training course that is offered by DOT or any other firm or organization using MSF curriculum or that has developed a curriculum approved by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Has sufficient knowledge of the mechanism of a motorcycle to ensure its safe operation Applicant has satisfactory knowledge of the law concerning motorcycles and other motor vehicles and the rules of the road Must pass vision and knowledge tests, or possess a permit Prohibited from transport passengers for 90 days after obtaining a motorcycle endorsement

8 ENDORSEMENT Applicant has not had an endorsement within the preceding 2 years An applicant for a motorcycle endorsement must successfully complete a novice motorcycle training course that is approved by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Has sufficient knowledge of the mechanism of a motorcycle to ensure its safe operation Applicant has satisfactory knowledge of the law concerning motorcycles and other motor vehicles and the rules of the road Must pass vision and knowledge tests, or possess a permit Prohibited from transport passengers for 90 days after obtaining a motorcycle endorsement

9 ENDORSEMENT POWERS If applicant has license/endorsement from another state where a similar examination or course is required, the commissioner may waive part or all of any such requirement The commissioner may issue unlimited or limited endorsements based on satisfaction of applicants ability and competency Health problems which might affect person's ability to operate a motorcycle safely, may require personal demonstration of operating a motorcycle Commissioner may issue a limited endorsement requiring a designated medical authority signed certificate of the applicant's condition. Certificate is treated confidentially Commissioner can suspend or refuse an endorsement to anyone, deemed incapable of safely operating a motorcycle Violation of the above 1 ST Offense $35-$50 subsequent offenses not greater than $100 &/or no more than 30 days in Jail

10 16-17 YEAR OLD RESTRICTIONS Prohibited from carrying passengers for six months after obtaining a motorcycle endorsement Cannot operate a motorcycle at or after 11:00 p.m. until and including 5:00 a.m. of the following day unless (A) Such person is traveling for his or her employment or school or religious activities (B)There is a medical necessity for such travel


12 PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR (On and after January 1, 1990) 16 & 17 years olds must wear to operate a motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle Passengers under 18 must wear Failure to meet above is an infraction and shall be fined not less than $90.00 Operating under a permit must wear Helmet, Regardless of age Must meet U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT ) or National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) approved standards Violation of the above 1 ST Offense $35-$50 subsequent offenses not greater than $100 &/or no more than 30 days in Jail

13 VISION-PROTECTING DEVICES Must wear vision protection such as goggles, glasses, face shields Does not apply to operators of motorcycles equipped with a wind screen or windshield which conforms to the minimum specifications **DMV Commissioner regulates specifications for vision-protecting devices in accordance with nationally accepted standards

14 MOTORCYCLE EQUIPMENT 1.Head lamps 2.Fenders 3.Handlebars 4.Brakes 5.Mufflers 6.Tail Lights 7.Reflectors 8.Stop lamps 9.Turn signals

15 HEAD LAMPS Have at least one and not more than two head lamps Every head lamp shall be located at a mounted height of not less than 24 inches not more than 54 inches Single-beam or Multiple-beam head lamps Sufficient intensity to reveal a person or vehicle at: Not less than 100 feet at less than 25 MPH Not less than 200 feet at greater than 25 MPH Not less than 300 feet at greater than 35 MPH High Beam at least 500 FT Shall illuminate the head lamp at all times when operating a motorcycle manufactured after January 1, 1980

16 HEAD LAMPS BEAM REQUIREMENTS: a.For all conditions of loading. The uppermost distribution of light for high beam is aimed and of sufficient intensity to reveal a person or vehicle at least 500 FT b.When loaded, a low single-beam lamp is aimed that none of the high-intensity portion of light, projects higher than the level of the center of the lamp at a distance of 25 feet ahead.

17 FENDERS Equipped with fenders on all wheels which come into contact with the highway HANDLEBARS For motorcycles operating on highway or in any parking area for 10 or more motor vehicles No more than the height of the operator's shoulders

18 Brakes Model year 1974 or later shall be equipped with brakes on both the front and rear wheels. except the wheel or wheels on a sidecar Brakes shall be maintained in good working order at all times Capable of bringing the motorcycle to a controlled stop in distance and conditions prescribed by the DMV Commissioner

19 MUFFLER Must have a muffler(s) with interior baffle plates or other effective muffling devices No gutted muffler, muffler cutout or a straight exhaust Except- When operated in a race, contest or demonstration of speed or skill as a public exhibition Cannot remove all or any part of a muffler except to repair or replace the muffler or replace a part that is more effective in noise prevention Cannot add any extension or device on an exhaust system or tail pipe which will cause excessive or unusual noise

20 Tail Lights & Registration Light Have at least one tail lamp mounted on the rear When lighted shall emit a red light plainly visible from a distance of 1000 feet to the rear Shall be located at a mounted height not less than 15 inches and not more than 72 inches Rear registration plate shall be so illumined with a white light as to render it clearly legible from a distance of 50 feet to the rear Registration Light is wired as to be lighted whenever the head lamps or auxiliary driving lamps are lighted

21 REFLECTORS Have at least one reflector either as a part of the tail lamps or separate Mounted at a height not less than 15 inches and not more than 60 inches size Be of size to be visible at night from all distances within 350 feet Seen 100 feet from such vehicle when directly in front of upper beams of head lamps

22 STOP LAMPS Equipped with at least one stop lamp TURN SIGNALS Display a red or amber light, or any shade of color between red and amber Visible from a Distance of not less than 300 feet to the rear in normal sunlight Equipped with a turn signal lamp or lamps complying with the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Section 571.108, as amended


24 INSURANCE MINIMUMS 20/40/10 Personal/Accidental/Property Claim for damages: By reason of personal injury to, or the death of, any one person, of $20,000 By reason of personal injury to, or the death of, more than one person on account of any accident, of at least $40,000 Damage to property of at least $10,000 An exclusion in personal injury coverage for passengers

25 INSURANCE DISCOUNT Minimum discount of 10% on premium charges for liability insurance policies for motorcycles Applicable for a period of five years from the original effective date of the discount

26 INSURANCE DISCOUNT ELIGIBILITY Proof of successful completion of the novice or advanced motorcycle training course offered by the Department of Transportation Course shall be completed within one year prior to the initial application of the discount If proof of successful completion is submitted during the term of a policy, any premium modification shall become effective upon the next renewal Not be applicable to physical damage insurance coverage

27 INFRACTION FINES Riding without an endorsement or violation of permit restrictions: 1 ST Offense $35-$50 subsequent offenses not greater than $100 &/or no more than 30 days in Jail Under 18 year old helmet requirement violations fined not less than $90.00 Judges of the Superior Court establish and maintain a schedule of fines deemed to be infractions by Connecticut General Statutes of: NOT LESS THAN $35.00 NOT GREATER THAN $90.00

28 PASSENGERS May not transport passengers for 90 days after obtaining endorsement 16 and 17-year-old drivers are prohibited from carrying passengers for six months after obtaining a motorcycle endorsement Motorcycle must be properly equipped to carry more than one person, a permanent or regular seat Motorcycle has another seat firmly attached to the rear or side of the operator Passengers are prohibited from riding sidesaddle on a motorcycle

29 LANE OPERATION OF MOTORCYCLES Motorcycle is entitled to the full use of any single traffic lane Prohibits the operation of more than two motorcycles abreast in any single traffic lane Shall not overtake and pass, in the same single traffic lane, any motor vehicle other than a motorcycle Shall not operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic Permitted in a High Occupancy Vehicle(HOV) Lane


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