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1 document was retrieved from PGCPS
Data Wise Introduction Module Ebony Cross Shields, Felice N. DeSouza, Donna Drakeford, Rotunda Floyd-Cooper, Tasheka Green, Paula Harris, Rhonda Hawkins, Trina Hayes, David Rease, Jr., Anthony Sims, Jennifer Williams document was retrieved from PGCPS

2 Objectives Provide an overview of the Data Wise Improvement Process
Review the objectives of the meeting with the participants. At the completion this module you will have a broad understanding of the Data Wise Improvement Process and the foundational ideas that support Data Wise Improvement Process.

3 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind
Ladder of Inference Norms Review the agenda with the participants. The red bar indicates that we are about to start the Data Wise Improvement Process Phase of the agenda. Protocols Plus/Deltas

4 What is Data Wise? Data Wise is…
A school improvement PROCESS that organizes and brings coherence to the work of improvement. A specific PROCESS that facilitates intentional thinking and utilizing a more disciplined way of looking at data as a collaborative group. A PROCESS that helps all educators in all positions to learn how to analyze data in a manner that contributes to improved instruction and increased student learning. Allow the participants to read the slide. What do you notice about this slide? Data Wise is a process that is integrated into schools/systems to provide coherence to processes that influence practice and organizational learning. It is about bringing together a skilled team of educators that work together to implement a coherent instructional plan to identify the learning needs every student, and to meet those needs. There are parts of the Data Wise process that informs the all of our traditional meetings that we are accustomed to such as collaborative planning, data utilization, analyzing student work, etc. .

5 What Data Wise IS What Data Wise IS NOT
Inquiry - questions drive learning and next steps Declarative - stating what has to be done Collaborative - all staff have a voice in determining what actions to take and what questions to explore Directive - one person decides what happens in isolation Designed to create spaces for learning about instruction, assessment, and practice for everyone A process that assumes skill and knowledge exist without having evidence of intentional knowledge and skill development. Review the slide with the participants. .

6 What Data Wise IS What Data Wise IS NOT
Means of organizing and bringing coherence to staff members’ collective efforts at improvement A program to implement A means to help school leaders organize the work of school improvement around a process that has specific, manageable steps A compliance measure or a checklist to be completed Cyclical; recursive A linear process that doesn’t allow for assessment and adjustment A series of yearlong coherent inquiry meetings A singular meeting (collaborative planning, data utilization, analyzing student work, etc.) Review the slide with the participants.

7 Norms NORMS Norms are critical at every step of the Data Wise Improvement Process. Having a set of norms—or ground rules—that a group follows encourages behaviors that will help a group do its work and discourages behaviors that interfere with a group’s effectiveness. Think of norms as “a behavior contract.” They are rules that govern how we interact with each other, how we conduct business, how we communicate with each other, how we make decisions, and creates the space for groups to have honest discussion and encourages participation from everyone. Norms allow for consensus on the ground rules that will guide the team’s work and team expectations around task completion, team processes, and personal interactions. Having a mutually agreed upon statement of how the team and its members will conduct their business can prevent or mediate conflicts that may arise over time. Successful district/school data teams function best when they take deliberate actions to organize to do their work and to promote interpersonal relationships among team members. To set the foundation for effective teamwork, collaborate to establish a set of team norms that will foster productive communication during challenging conversation. Norms support team development at every stage They create and sustain psychological safety Support cross-functional teaming, Ensure all voices are heard Decrease “power” dynamics that sometimes impact teams .

8 Assume positive intentions Ground statements in evidence
Data Wise Norms Take an inquiry stance Assume positive intentions Ground statements in evidence Stick to protocol Be here now Start and end on time Data Wise offers the following norms, which have been effective in supporting teams as they use the Data Wise Improvement Process and cultivate the ACE Habits of Mind. Assume Positive Intentions: assume everyone in the group is acting out of a desire to work toward our shared goal of helping all students learn. Think “Innocent until proven guilty” Take an Inquiry Stance: ask questions that allow insight into a colleague’s point of view. “What led you to conclude…?” “I’m hearing you say….is that correct?” Ground Statements in Evidence: make a conscious effort to cite data and offer rationale when explaining one’s point of view. “I see…,” “I noticed that..” “I saw evidence of…” Be Here Now: In the age of technology we are inclined to multi-task during meetings. Data Wise seeks to have all participants engaged in the work and present so that the collective group is able to benefit from the collective thinking. Stick to Protocol: Engaging in protocols may feel difficult at first, but it is important for progression toward the goal if all participants adhere to the components of the protocols. Start on time; end on time: Timeliness is a Data Wise staple. This honors the importance of time management as well as considering effective use of time. If we know that we have a 45 minute meeting, then we should ensure that all of the time is used in the most effective manner. .

9 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind
Ladder of Inference Norms Review the agenda with the participants. The red bar indicates that we are about to start the Data Wise Improvement Process Phase of the agenda. Protocols Plus/Deltas

10 Plus /Delta Protocol What helped me to learn/interact with today’s meeting objectives? What changes are needed to help me to better learn/interact with today’s meeting objectives? We use plus/delta as a way to gather immediate feedback and model our orientation toward action, assessment, & adjustment. Ask participants to list what went well about the meeting or session (“pluses”) and what they would have liked to change (“deltas”). Facilitator Note: We do not comment on pluses or deltas, but rather let them be a record of what happened. Effective facilitators use the last meeting’s plus/deltas to plan the next meeting, taking care to address the deltas.

11 Supporting teams of educators in using data to improve learning
Data Wise Improvement Process Supporting teams of educators in using data to improve learning and teaching .

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