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The “New Kid On the Block”

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1 The “New Kid On the Block”
Presenter: Susanne Dittke Chemical Engineer/Environmental Consultant Company: EnviroSense On Behalf of :

2 What is e-WASTE ? Waste that is generated from any electronic equipment (running on electricity or a battery) that is either broken or you throw away to replace for a newer model: Computers, TVs, Washing Machines, Toys, HiFi’s, Printers……. BUT ALSO

3 The Different Faces of e-Waste

4 What type of e-waste can you find here ?
The WEEE man,is a huge robotic figure made of scrap electrical and electronic equipment. It weighs 3.3 tonnes and stands 7 meters tall – representing the average amount of e-products every single one of us throws away over a lifetime. What type of e-waste can you find here ?

5 How are Electronic Items Made ?

6 Why is e-Waste a Problem ?
The estimated amount of e-waste generated on the planet every year put into containers on a train would go at least once around the world! It is between million tons per year that is (take average) kg. If you weigh 50 kg how many kids with your weight could I fill with e-waste ? ANSWER: 700 million people

7 Why is e-Waste a Problem ?
Hazardous substances in a computer

8 The Inconvenient Truth…
Many parts in electronics are toxic when they become “e-waste” There are a lot of very poor people in many countries trying to make a living out of the few valuables And the companies that sell you all those electronics do not always take responsibility for the take-back and safe treatment of the waste….

9 Where Most e-Waste Ends Up…..
Up to 80% of E-waste from the U.S. is Exported to Impoverished Countries

10 People Who Get “Wasted”
Chinese children sit amongst piles e-waste. Children can often be found dismantling e-waste containing many hazardous chemicals known to be potentially very damaging to human health and the environment.

11 What is so interesting to get out from toxic e-waste ?

12 And how about South Africa ?
e-Waste is the fasted growing waste stream in households in South Africa We do not want a situation like Asia and North Africa ! There is also informal recycling happening but by far not to this extent…BUT

13 What is Done about This ? eWASA= e-WASTE ASSOCIATION of South Africa is working with responsible companies to develop a system that will allow people to properly treat and recycle their e-waste ( and retailers start already offering take back services…

14 What is Done about This ? Companies such as HP but also Governments from other countries (Switzerland) give us funding to develop local e-waste recycling projects and create jobs.

2. Don’t upgrade/buy latest model if the old one still works 3. Buy GREEN-Support the companies and brands that are the leaders (e.g. Sony NOT Nintendo) 4. Raise awareness and demand take-back here in Cape Town (e.g. letter to MAKRO) 5. Tell you parents what you learnt 6. Watch “The Story of Stuff” to find out more… 7. Start recycling of e-waste including batteries, cartridges in your school (Recover-e-Alliance ) and check out the eWASA website for more facts on e-waste

16 Thank You For Your Interest

17 Questions

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