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December 9 2016.

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1 December

2 Warm Up Which President was most influential to the early success
of our nation? why? Warm Up 1:10-5:36

3 I can describe major domestic problems faced by the leaders of the new republic by evaluating their responses to Domestic and Foreign issues. Learning Target

4 Which President best solved foreign issues that arose during their Presidency?
Describe the foreign issues faced by the president during his tenure Explain his discussion Evaluate the reasons for his success Activity Which President best solved domestic issues that arose during their Presidency? Describe the foreign issues faced by the president during his tenure Explain his discussions Evaluate the reasons for his success Which President would best solve our current domestic and foreign problems? Describe current domestic & foreign problems faced by President Obama & President-Elect Trump. Who would be best prepared to solve America’s current domestic & foreign problems. Explain how your chosen leader could solve Americas current domestic & foreign problems

5 Rank the Presidents 1-5 (1 most influential, 5 least influential)
Rank the Presidents 1-5 (1 most influential, 5 least influential). Justify your rankings. Closing Question

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