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Today we will review our knowledge and readiness for testing over the era of Colonization using writing kernels, games, and practice STAAR questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Today we will review our knowledge and readiness for testing over the era of Colonization using writing kernels, games, and practice STAAR questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we will review our knowledge and readiness for testing over the era of Colonization using writing kernels, games, and practice STAAR questions.

2 Let’s take a minute to review…

3 Writing for Understanding
1. England established colonies _________ because _______. Jamestown __________ and then Plymouth ____________. The New England Colonies ________ while the Middle Colonies ________, and the South ______________. Foundations of representative government were established through ___________________. Religion was also important to the colonists and helped them ___________________. Read “Important Ideas about the Colonization Era.” Complete the sentence kernels on the right on your paper. Be ready to share with class.

4 Games Colonization Review
13 Original Colonies Columns - The Regions STAAR Colonization Review

5 Practice STAAR Questions Exit Ticket
1._____Which practice was characteristic of mercantilism?  A.    buying raw materials from colonists and selling them finished goods B.    prohibiting colonists from fishing and trading in furs C.    shipping large amounts of gold and silver from Europe to the colonies D.    increasing the use of slave labor to manufacture goods in Europe 2._____Which statement is most accurate about the American colonists? A.    They all came to America to find religious freedom. B.    They were all loyal to the British king. C.    They all lived along the Atlantic coastline. D.    They all lived in areas with a degree of self-government. 3._____Jamestown in 1607 and Plymouth in 1620 were similar in that both settlements were located – A.    on the Great Lakes B.    on dry islands C.    at the base of a mountain range D.    near the Atlantic Ocean 4.______What effect did geographic factors have on the economy of New England colonies? A.    They encouraged the establishment of large plantations. B.    They promoted the growth of fishing and shipping. C.    They increased the region’s dependence on slave labor. D.    They supported the planting of rice and tobacco farming. 5._____Which of these events is in the correct order in which they occurred? A.    Virginia House of Burgesses, First Great Awakening, Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut B.    Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, Virginia House of Burgesses, First Great Awakening C.    Magna Carta, Virginia House of Burgesses, Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut D. First Great Awakening, Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses

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