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Title: Cult of personality Starter QUIZ

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1 Title: Cult of personality Starter QUIZ
What is the name of a labour camp set up by Stalin? 2. Why did people like the idea of collectivisation? Name one city inspired by industrialisation. Name one positive things about the working conditions. 5. Name one negative about the working conditions. 6. Who was Aleksai Stakonovite? 7. What happened to Kirov? 8. In the leadership struggle which politicians have we learnt about on the right side? 9. Give me one reason Trotsky was popular. 10. What does purge mean? 11. When did the show trials start? 12. What did Stalin do with the Church?

2 Starter QUIZ 1. What is the name of a labour camp set up by Stalin? Gulag 2. Why did people like the idea of collectivisation? More communist 3. Name one city inspired by industrialisation. Magnitogorsk 4. Name one positive things about the working conditions. 5. Name one negative about the working conditions. 6. Who was Aleksai Stakonovite? An example of an ambitious worker 7. What happened to Kirov? Murdered in his office by … 8. In the leadership struggle which politicians have we learnt about on the right side? 9. Give me one reason Trotsky was popular. Clever, took part in the revolution, Lenin’s friend 10. What does purge mean? To get rid of people 11. When did the show trials start? 12. What did Stalin do with the Church? Banned it

3 Cult of Personality Read through p Answer the questions as you go through the pages.


5 Features of the CULT OF PERSONALITY

6 Plenary Why did Stalin pursue a ‘cult of personality’?
What effect would the ‘cult of personality’ have on the USSR?

7 4 Pictures 1 word

8 L.O: To identify the key early German successes in WW2

9 The other powerful man with a moustache
Josef Stalin

10 Event 1 Hitler has broken with the Treaty of Versailles and started building up German arms, both for the land and sea. He has not been stopped by any of the Allied powers.

11 Event 2 Hitler has sent troops into the Rhineland, the Saarland and most recently Austria. Britain and France have allowed to do this on the grounds that these were German speaking areas anyway.

12 Event 3 Hitler has now shown as interest in parts of Czechoslovakia. A meeting has been held involving all the major European powers, you were not invited to attend. Again, Hitler has been allowed to claim the region.

13 Event 4 Hitler has broken his promises and invaded the entire of Czechoslovakia. Britain and France have done nothing to stop him. They have however promised Poland they will defend it if Hitler invades.

14 ?

15 Use the worksheet to answer these questions:
1. What was the Pact? 2. Why did Stalin sign the agreement? 3. Why do you think Hitler signed the agreement?

16 Stick the cartoon in What is the point the cartoonist is trying to make? What evidence is there to support the cartoonist’s view? This only shows the cartoonists’ view – does this mean it is not useful?

17 “when the attack on Russia starts the world will hold its breath.”
Hitler failed to take Britain in ‘the Battle of Britain so he turned his attentions to Russia.

18 Why did Hitler want to do this? - copy
To defeat communism Use land in USSR as living space for Germans Soviets used for slave labour Huge wheat fields and oil fields would strengthen Germany

19 Plenary Write a question on your post it note. Make it as difficult as possible with the answer on the back and bring to the front. I will chose the 5 hardest questions to give you.

20 Operation Barbarossa

21 Operation Barbarossa True or false Hitler and Stalin signed a non aggression Pact The Battle of Britain was a success Stalin had prepared well for war Stalin had moved all of his industries to the north

22 Operation Barbarossa True or false Hitler and Stalin signed a non aggression Pact The Battle of Britain was a success Stalin had prepared well for war Stalin had moved all of his industries to the north

23 BUT… in August 1939 Hitler signed an ALLIANCE with Russia.
Hitler (Germany) and Stalin (Russia) did not like each other AT ALL, they believed in very different politics. This was VERY surprising but it allowed Hitler breathing space to invade and conquer France and Poland. BUT… in August 1939 Hitler signed an ALLIANCE with Russia. After victory in France Hitler turned his attention to Russia…


25 Read through the worksheet and answer the following questions:
What was Operation Barbarossa? What successes did the Germans have? What failures did the Russians have? What happened eventually?


27 Russia’s natural defences
The Pripet Marshes (bigger than Scotland!) The Ural Mountains, (1,500 miles long!)

28 Stalin’s Leadership Russia’s Geography Hitler’s Racism
Why did USSR eventually win? Divide two pages into four and sort the 9 pieces of information between them. Some may go into more than one category Stalin’s Leadership Russia’s Geography Hitler’s Racism The Russian people

29 The most important in Germanys defeat to USSR was (Stalin's leadership, Russia’s geography, Hitler’s racism, the Russian people)………….. This was because….. (list each point in the factor) It was more important than any other factor because (what is there about this factor that made Russia win the war against Germany more than any other?)…

30 Operation Barbarossa Statistics
1,600 mile front 3.9 million men 3,600 tanks 4,389 planes 800,000 men killed 3 million Russian prisoners 26 million Russian dead in WW2

31 Write a report as a British soldier back to the Government explaining What happened and why

32 Plenary; Caption Competition
Look at the cartoons about Hitler and his invasion of Russia. Look carefully at what is happening, and think about what the cartoonist is trying to say. Think of a caption for each of them!





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