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Map Scale.

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1 Map Scale

2 Large Scale and Small Scale Maps
Scale determines the amount of detail a map will show. Large Scale Maps: show a large amount of detail and a small area. e.g. 1:50 000, 1:25 000 Small Scale Maps: show a small amount of detail over a large area. e.g. 1: , 1: *a map of the world that fits on an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper has a scale of 1: 100 million.

3 A large scale map shows a small area with a lot of detail
1 :

4 A small scale map shows a small area in great detail
1 :

5 Map Scale Direct Statement (DS): a statement about a distance on the map in comparison to the represented distance in the real world. e.g. “one centimetre represents four kilometres” “three centimetres represents eight kilometres”

6 Map Scale Linear Scale (LS): a straight line divided into units which can be used for measuring distance on a map.

7 Map Scale Representative Fraction (RF): a fraction that involves no mention of units. Because units are ignored, whatever you assign to one side must be assigned to the other. e.g. 1: could become, 1 cm : cm or, 1 m : m or, 1 “size 11 boot” : “size eleven boots”

8 Scale: The Town of Gorham, Maine

9 Question If we were to go outside and next to the school there was a map of the classroom that was exactly the same size as the classroom, what would be the RF scale of the map? Answer 1:1

10 To the Textbook!! Using the “Making Connections” text, complete the following exercises in your notes. P. 48 #1, 2ab, 3a, 4, 5, 6abc, 7, 8 abc, 10 (conversion) P. 49 #13, 14, 15

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