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Automation Connections ISA EXPO 2006

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Presentation on theme: "Automation Connections ISA EXPO 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automation Connections ISA EXPO 2006

2 Digesting the Automation Body of Knowledge Vernon Trevathan Consultant

3 What it is Covers entire automation field
Technical summary of 37 topics – some of the best short technical summaries anywhere Designed to be read and studied Appropriate for a variety of levels of experience Understandable by someone with little knowledge of the topic Value to those who are very knowledgeable on that topic Even automation experts are novices in some topics

4 Why Broad Scope in one Book?
Growing overlap among areas - open systems, common communication protocols, common technology Learning about other areas enhances skills More frequent movement of professionals from one application area to another

5 Audience Automation professionals wanting to understand a particular topic or better understand the scope of that topic Academicians developing curricula Managers who need a better perspective of all aspects of automation to set direction and make staffing decisions; Workers in automation related fields who need a comprehensive understanding of what automation is all about Students evaluating career decisions Those preparing for CAP - ISA’s Certified Automation Professional exam.

6 Seven Categories Basic Continuous Control Basic Discrete
Advanced Control Topics Reliability, Safety and Electrical Integration and Software Deployment and Maintenance Work Structure

7 37 Topics Process Instrumentation Analytical Instrumentation
Continuous Control Control Valves Analog communications Control System Documentation Control Equipment Discrete Input and Output Devices and General Mfg. Measurements Discrete and Sequencing Control Motor and Drive Control Motion Control Process Modeling Advanced Process Control Batch Control Environmental Environmental Monitoring Building Automation Alarm Management Reliability Process Safety and Safety Instrumented Systems Electrical Installations Electrical Safety Digital Communications Industrial Networks MES Integration Network Security Operator Interface Data management Software Custom Software Operator Training Checkout, System Testing, and Startup Troubleshooting Maintenance Automation Benefits and Project Justification Project Management and Project Execution Interpersonal Skills

8 What it means Brings together in one book for the first time the entire field of automation Helps to identify and define “automation”

9 How you can use the book Read the topics you know for a comprehensive review Study the topics you don’t know to get an overall grasp of that topic Use as a guide for further study in less familiar areas For CAP exam preparation, use as a comprehensive review and assessment Use as a reference when confronting less familiar areas in your work

10 Summary Unique book Variety of uses
List benefits and key points that you will cover in your presentation.

11 Questions and Discussion
List benefits and key points that you will cover in your presentation.

12 Related Resources from ISA
CAP Learning Modules Offer to answer any questions. Remind participants that ISA is the leading source of information for automation professionals and practitioners. Thank the attendees in Houston and online. Remind the Houston attendees that they can obtain the related resources as they leave the theater and save on shipping costs. Phone: (919) Address:

13 A book for everyone interested in AUTOMATION

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