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Potential health and well-being impacts of discontinuing seasonal changes of time Darío Acuña-Castroviejo University of Granada, Spain Brussels, 21/01/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Potential health and well-being impacts of discontinuing seasonal changes of time Darío Acuña-Castroviejo University of Granada, Spain Brussels, 21/01/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential health and well-being impacts of discontinuing seasonal changes of time
Darío Acuña-Castroviejo University of Granada, Spain Brussels, 21/01/2019 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

2 Structure of the Presentation
How the living beings function How DST impacts health First expert statement publication on DST deleterious effects 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

3 1. How the living beings function
Biological clocks coordinately keep life on time: Master clock controls the adaptation of the human body to the environment The human body contains 30 billions of biological clocks Circadian timing system comprises a complex network between master (central) and peripheral clocks Master clock maintains the harmony of the human body through melatonin, which sets the peripheral clocks 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

4 Biological clocks coordinately keep life on time
Pineal 2017 Nobel Prize JC Hall M Rosbash MW Young Cell cycle, apoptosis DNA repair Drug metabolism and detoxification Angiogenesis ... We are 30 billions of biological clocks running in harmony!!! 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

5 Biological clocks coordinately keep life on time
STANDBY CLOCK GMT 0 Peripheral clocks = master clock = sun hours Master clock Pineal Brain Heart Melatonin Liver Blood Pancreas Melatonin peak at 3 am Muscle Immune system Any other organ 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

6 2. How DST impacts health Dissociation between environmental light and biological clocks: DST change is not immediately transduced to the biological clocks Sunrise and sunset times remain the same, but clocks time changed The resultant chronodisruption, i.e., dissociation between environmental time and biological clock time affects the organism in multiple forms There are times of risk to suffer disease that are regulated by circadian machinery acting on a complex clusters of genes 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

7 Desynchronization of peripheral clocks
DST CHANGE IN FALL GMT +1 Peripheral clocks = master clock sun hours Pineal Master clock CHRONODISRUPTION Brain Mental health disorders Melatonin Heart Heart diseases one-hour turn the clock back Liver Obesity Blood Pancreas Diabetes Melatonin peak at 3 am Muscle Weakness Immune system Inflammation Any organ Cancer 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

8 Dissociation between environmental light and biological clocks
Get up and go to bed one hour later in close association to one hour of delay in the sunrise and sunset respect to subjective internal time (SIT) This promotes a phase-delay which accelerates our synchronization Traveling one hour to West Brussels: UTC+1 London: UTC+0 Thus, we will be exposed to more light in the morning and less in the afternoon, favouring a phase-advance that counteracts our rapid synchronisation We will get up and go to bed also an hour later, but the sunset and sunrise will continue at the same time with respect to SIT Hour change in Fall Brussels: UTC+1 Traveling one hour to East, similar to the DST in March, yields a similar pattern of behavior 21/01/2018 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

9 Clinical, observational and epidemiological studies
Human beings are exposed either to rhythmic variations in the susceptibility to morbid and mortal events, and to the ability of temporal changes of cardiovascular mechanisms to precipitate the overt expression of disease = chronorisk. Meal time, blood pressure, alertness, attention, time for immune protection, brain neurotransmitters, time for being wise as the prefrontal cortex, so relevant for critical judgement, is influenced by circadian regulation. As an example, cardiovascular events together with stress exhibit an evident morning preference = more heart attack at morning after DST. DST triggers changes in clock genes that in turn affect the immune system, leading to inflammatory diseases or to increase of the severity of their symptoms = allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, aging-related diseases. Cell division is strongly connected to the biological clock, suffering consequences when internal time disruptive events occur = enhanced PASD1 and cancer. ... 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

10 Clinical, observational and epidemiological studies
1. There is sufficient scientific literature showing the adverse impact of the DST on different levels of circadian timing system, either related to circadian master clock and multiple peripheral oscillators from which depends adequate organic function. 2. Since there is evidence on the potentially negative effects of DST-related disruption of circadian timing system associated to several negative health outcomes, DST cannot be encouraged and therefore should be discontinued. 21/01/2019 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

11 Four possibilities UTC+1,+2 (with seasonal change) UTC+1 (NO seasonal change) UTC+0,+1 (with seasonal change) UTC+2 (NO seasonal change) 21/01/2018 Presentation for the Committee on Transport and Tourism

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