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Psalm 136.

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 136."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 136

2 We thank you God. Your mercy never comes to an end.

3 God you have done wonderful things. You made the skies,
the earth and all the mighty seas. You mercy never comes to an end.

4 the sun, the stars and the moon that shines in the night.
It was you who made the sun, the stars and the moon that shines in the night. Your mercy never comes to an end.

5 You saved your chosen people and set them free from slavery.
You made a path through the Red Sea and your people came to dry land, but the Egyptians and their horses drowned in the sea. Your mercy never comes to an end.

6 You showed your people the way in the desert
and you saved them from their enemies. Your mercy never comes to and end.

7 Your people came to live in new country.
You looked after them in time of trouble. Your mercy never comes to an end.

8 We thank you God of the whole world.
No enemies could harm your people. You take care of everything that lives. We thank you God of the whole world.

9 Your mercy never comes to an end.

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