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Homework 7-1: Design PID controller for cruise control.

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1 Homework 7-1: Design PID controller for cruise control.
Consider the problem in Lecture 1/Example 1.2 with some changes. Design the PID controller for the cases. Simulate the closed-loop system with MatLab/Simulink. m=1000kg B=50Ns/m Ke=45N/deg Ka=2.5deg/V Kf=0.36Vs/m vref=90km/h v is velocity vs is sensor output voltage =0.05 s Fp: Pushing force (from engine) Fd: Distrubance Fd=0 Fd=-mgsin a) For =0° determine Kp, Kd and Ki parameters b) For =5° determine Kp, Kd and Ki parameters Note: Operating voltage of Sensor and Actuator is between 0-24V. The vehicle can reach at most the speed of 240km/h. DEU-MEE 5017 Advanced Automatic Control

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