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Overview of Psychosomatic Medicine

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1 Overview of Psychosomatic Medicine
Ronny Tri Wirasto

2 Topik What is psychosomatic medicine
Controversies in psychosomatic (medicine or not) History of psychosomatic Medicine Who is in Psychosomatic Medicine Field?

3 What is psychosomatic medicine?
Psychosomatic medicine is practiced in a variety of settings and encompasses a combination of consultative, treatment, and liaison activities focusing on a variety of clinical problems that occur in patients being treated in medical settings

4 Controversies Psychosomatic
is derived from the Greek words psyche (soul) and soma (body) the mind affects the body to describe an individual with medical complaints that have no physical cause *misconceptualization

5 Relation between psychological factors and physiological phenomena in general and disease pathogenesis in particular Integrates mind and body into a psychobiological unit; to study psychological and biological processes as dynamic interacting systems.

6 Not diagnosis Psychosomatic : Term Model of disorder, relationship
Physiological process or function Cause and effect, occurrence and symptoms Not diagnosis

7 Disorders described as psychosomatic in other classifications can be found here in
F45.- (somatoform disorders) F50.- (eating disorders), F52.- (sexual dysfunction), and F54.- (psychological or behavioral factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere)

8 Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere
to record the presence of psychological or behavioural influences thought to have played a major part in the manifestation of physical disorders that can be classified by using other chapters of ICD-10 asthma (F54 plus J45.-); dermatitis and eczema (F54 plus L23-L25); gastric ulcer (F54 plus K25.-); mucous colitis (F54 plus K58.-); ulcerative colitis (F54 plus K51.-); and urticaria (F54 plus L50.-)

9 History Psychosomatic, terminologi Yunani kuno
Psyche Soma Pertama kali disebutkan oleh Johan Christian August Heinroth ( ) di Jerman Dipopulerkan oleh Jacobi Hubungan timbal balik antara psike dan soma Kemudian dipopulerkan kembali setelah PD I (1915) oleh F. Deutsch, G. Groddeck, dll Tahun 1930 Flanders Dunbar

10 Who is in Psychosomatic Area
Psychiatrist Psychologist Neurologist Internal Medicine Cardiologist Gynecologist etc

11 Selesai PsikiaterJogja @PsikiaterJogja

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