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- MC33063U L=100uH Ipk_max=1A Ipk CT S R Q Q2 Q

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Presentation on theme: "- MC33063U L=100uH Ipk_max=1A Ipk CT S R Q Q2 Q"— Presentation transcript:

1 - MC33063U + 220 L=100uH Ipk_max=1A Ipk CT S R Q Q2 Q1 6 5 8 7 3 4 1 2
switch collector emitter timing capacitor 1.25V reference regulator GND Oscillator Ipk CT drive Sense VCC comparator inverter input + - S R Q Q2 Q1 100 6 5 8 7 3 4 1 2 MC33063U 1N4148 VF=0.6V Rsc 1Ω2 470p 4.80V 11.83V 100u 10V 33k Rload 2k2 (5.4mA) 1k2 for 9.9mA 150u 16V 3k9

2 4.8 Vin 39 mA for 11.83 Vout with load 1k2, without load 3.3 mA
Vout 12V Iout 10mA Vin 4.8V Vsat 1V Vf 0.6V L 100uA, 1A Co 47uF ton/toff = (Vout + Vf - Vin) / (Vin - Vsat) = ( ) / ( ) = 2.052 ton/toff = 2 1/f = (ton + toff) = ton* (1 + ton/toff) CT = ton * 4*10^-5 --> ton = CT/4*10^-5 CT=330p --> ton = 8.25 usec, f = 1 / (ton*(1+ton/toff)) = 1 / (8.25*10^-6*(1+2)) = 40 kHz CT=470p --> ton = usec, f = 1 / (ton*(1+ton/toff)) = 1 / (11.75*10^-6*(1+2)) = 28 kHz Ipk = 2 * Iout * (1 + ton/toff) = 2 * 10*10^-3 * (1+2) = 60 mA Rsc = 0.3 / Ipk(switch) for Rsc=1.2Ω --> Ipk = 0.3/1.2 = 250 mA which is below maximum of 1A for the inductor and above needed 57.5mA For 60mA Ipk current Rsc = 0.3/60*10^-3 = 5 Ohm CT=470p, Ipk_switch=60mA, L=xx uH Lmin = ton_max * (Vin - Vsat) / Ipk_switch = 11.75*10^-6 * ( ) / 60*10^-3 = 744 uH CT=470p, Ipk_switch=xx mA, L=100 uH Ipk_switch = ton_max * (Vin - Vsat) / L = 11.75*10^-6 * ( ) /100*10^-6 = 447 mA CT=270p --> ton = CT / 4*10^-5 = 6.75 usec Ipk_switch = ton_max * (Vin - Vsat) / L = 6.75*10^-6 * ( ) /100*10^-6 = 260 mA f = 1 / (ton*(1+ton/toff)) = 1 / (6.75*10^-6*( )) = 52 kHz Co = (9 * Iout * ton)/ Vripple (pp) --> Vripple(pp) = (9 * Iout * ton)/ Co = 9*10mA*12usec/47u = 23 mV diode 1N4148, CT 470p : 4.8 Vin 39 mA for Vout with load 1k2, without load 3.3 mA

3 pcb 16x5 front-side 100u 25V MC33063U 100uH 100u 10V +12V out GND +5V
A 220 1Ω2 33k 470p 100u 10V 3k9 elco’s aan andere kant IC maakt verbindingen korter +12V out GND +5V in

4 pcb 16x5 back-side 100uH 100u 10V 25V +5V in +12V out GND MC33063U
1Ω2 220 3k9 33k 1N4148 A 470p 100uH 100u 10V 25V +5V in +12V out GND MC33063U elco’s aan andere kant IC maakt verbindingen korter

5 pcb 13x8 front-side +5V in 100uH MC33063U 100uF 25V + +12V out GND
220 1Ω2 3k9 100uF 10V MC33063U 33k 100uF 25V + 470p A 1N4148 +12V out GND

6 pcb 13x8 back-side +5V in 100uH MC33063U 100uF 25V + +12V GND out 10V
1Ω2 220 3k9 A 1N4148 470p MC33063U 100uF 25V + 33k 10V

7 USB MIC +5V +5V +12V GND 0V GND YELLOW mic BLUE gnd GREEN 12Vin
out GND USB 0V GND YELLOW mic MIC BLUE gnd GREEN 12Vin RED ptt red, right USB plug white, left +5V shield 3.5mm 0V green red +12Vout +5V in mic cable PCB gnd yellow blue white gnd connect to 3,5mm plug

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