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Brîff 7 Munud - Goruchwyliaeth Supervision - 7Minute Briefing

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1 Brîff 7 Munud - Goruchwyliaeth Supervision - 7Minute Briefing

2 1. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae goruchwylio staff yn hanfodol wrth Ddiogelu Plant ac Oedolion mewn Perygl. Mae’n benodol bwysig mewn achosion lle mae teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn gwrthwynebu peidio ag ymgysylltu, lle mae'n hawdd i weithwyr proffesiynol beidio â gweithredu'n wrthrychol. Mae canllawiau cenedlaethol yn datgan: “Dylai sefydliadau fod â threfniadau ar waith sy’n adlewyrchu pwysigrwydd diogelu a hyrwyddo lles Plant ac Oedolion mewn Perygl, gan gynnwys:[...] Goruchwyliaeth briodol a chefnogaeth i staff, gan gynnwys derbyn hyfforddiant diogelu” Supervision of staff is essential in Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk It is particularly important in cases where families/ Carers are resistant on non- engaging, where it is easy for professionals to lose their objectivity. National guidance, states: “Organisations should have in place arrangements that reflect the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children and Adults at Risk, including:[…] Appropriate supervision and support for staff, including undertaking safeguarding training”

3 2. BETH YDYW ? 2. WHAT IS IT? Gall goruchwyliaeth dda helpu i:
Gadw ffocws ar y plentyn/oedolyn mewn perygl Osgoi gadael i bethau lithro drwy sicrhau bod cynllun sy’n canolbwyntio ar ganlyniad ar gyfer y plentyn/oedolyn a’r teulu/gofalwyr Cynnal lefel o wrthrychedd a herio safbwyntiau cadarn Profi ac asesu’r sail dystiolaeth ar gyfer asesiadau a phenderfyniadau Mynd i’r afael ag effaith emosiynol y gwaith Egluro disgwyliadau o rolau Gweld anghenion i ddysgu a helpu i sicrhau bod sail gadarn i’r gwaith a’i fod yn cyd-fynd â gweithdrefnau cenedlaethol a rhai sefydliadol Good quality supervision can help to: Keep a focus on the child/adult at risk Avoid drift, by ensuring there is an outcome focused plan for the child/ adult and family/carers Maintain a degree of objectivity and challenge fixed views Test and assess the evidence base for assessment and decisions Address the emotional impact of work Clarify role expectations Identify learning needs and help to ensure that practice is soundly based and consistent with National and organisational procedures

4 3. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae goruchwyliaeth yn broses lle mae un gweithiwr yn cael cyfrifoldeb gan y sefydliad i weithio gyda gweithiwr arall/gweithwyr eraill er mwyn cyflawni amcanion sefydliadol, proffesiynol a phersonol penodol sydd, gyda'i gilydd, yn arwain at y canlyniadau gorau ar gyfer defnyddwyr gwasanaeth. Supervision is a process by which one worker is given responsibility by the organisation to work with another worker(s) in order to meet certain organisational, professional and personal objectives which together promote the best outcomes for service users.

Pedair prif swyddogaeth goruchwyliaeth yw: 1. Rheoli (sicrhau perfformiad/ymarfer cymwys ac atebol); 2. Datblygu (datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus); 3. Cefnogi (swyddogaeth gefnogi/adfer); ac 4. Ymgysylltu/cyfryngu (ymgysylltu'r unigolyn â'r sefydliad) The four key functions of supervision are: 1. Management (ensuring competent and accountable performance/practice); 2. Development (continuing professional development); 3. Support (supportive/ restorative function); and 4. Engagement/ mediation (engaging the individual with the organisation)

Rhaid i bob asiantaeth sydd â chyfrifoldeb gweithredol dros ddiogelu plant ac oedolion fod â pholisi wedi’i gytuno, sy’n diffinio’r lefelau isaf o oruchwyliaeth ffurfiol ar gyfer y staff hynny sy’n gyfrifol am ddiogelu plant ac oedolion. All agencies which have operational responsibility for safeguarding children and adults must have an agreed policy, which defines minimum levels of formal supervision for those staff that are accountable for safeguarding children and adults.

A ydym ni’n cyflawni’r pedair swyddogaeth wrth oruchwylio? A ydym ni wastad yn trafod teuluoedd/gofalwyr ac asiantaethau gwrthwynebus a rhai anghydweithredol wrth oruchwylio? Sut allwn ni oruchwylio’n well? Do we cover the four functions in our supervision? Do we always discuss hostile and uncooperative families/ carers and agencies in supervision? How can we improve supervision?

8 7. GWEITHREDU 7. ACTION Sicrhewch fod goruchwyliaeth yn Rheolaidd
Yn cael ei chofnodi Yn seiliedig at gontract clir Yn cael ei wneud yn ôl rhaglen y cytunwyd arni O safon uchel Yn canolbwyntio ar les plant ac oedolion Ensure that supervision is Regular Recorded Based on a clear contract Conducted to an agreed agenda Of good quality Centred on children’s and adults welfare

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