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Drug ½ life time it takes plasma concentration or amount of drug in body to be reduced by 50% Provides a good indication of the time necessary to reach.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug ½ life time it takes plasma concentration or amount of drug in body to be reduced by 50% Provides a good indication of the time necessary to reach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug ½ life time it takes plasma concentration or amount of drug in body to be reduced by 50% Provides a good indication of the time necessary to reach steady state after a dosage regime has been initiated (6X)

2 Steady state drug elimination = drug availability
usually try and maintain steady state concentration in therapeutic window


4 Dose Response Curves info on a range of doses of drug
dose usually presented on horizontal axis (log concentration) size of effect or percentage affected usually on vertical axis


6 Two types of dose-response curves
the intensity or magnitude of the response in a single person the % of people who exhibit a characteristic effect at a given dosage

7 3 important characteristics that can be determined by dose response curves
potency - amount of drug required to elicit a response slope of the line tells you about how much difference in drug is needed for small effects relative to larger effect

8 Efficacy - maximum effect obtainable
- peak of the DRC indicates the maximum effect




12 Variability and slope –
individual differences in drug response


14 Different DRC depending upon measure of interest

15 Drug Safety and Effectiveness:
ED The dose of a drug that produces the desired effect in 50% of the population LD 50 – TI = Therapeutic Index – measure of safety LD 50/ED 50 lithium – LD 95 ED 1;

16 hypothetical drug that can be used as a sedative –
this is tested in mice – ** dose cannot guarantee 100% sleeping and no deaths

17 Caution in interpreting DRC
Often see a bell-shaped curve in response to drug

18 Drug Interactions - antagonist - one drug diminishes the effect of another Shifts the DRC to the right agonist – one drug is additive to the effect of another



21 Drug Interactions - antagonist - one drug diminishes the effect of another agonist – one drug is additive to the effect of another potentiation or superadditive

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