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Presentation on theme: "12/05/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/05/2019

2 Cyd-destun a chefndir Context and background
Cyd-destun deddfwriaethol (LlCD, GCLl) Gofynion mesurau arbennig, heriau a chyfleoedd Canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau Cynnwys pobl Cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol Ail-ddiffinio ein hamcanion lles Legislative context (WFG, SSWB) Special measures requirements, challenges and opportunities Focusing on outcomes Involving people Equality and human rights Re-defining our well-being objectives 12/05/2019

3 Prif feysydd rhaglen Main programme areas
Gwella iechyd a lleihau anghydraddoldebau Gofal yn nes at gartrefi Anghenion iechyd mwy difrifol Iechyd a lles meddwl Plant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd Heneiddio’n iach Improving health and reducing inequalities Care closer to home More serious health needs Mental health and well-being Children, young people and families Healthy ageing 12/05/2019

4 Gwella Iechyd ac Anghydraddoldebau Iechyd Health Improvement, Health Inequalities
Promoting healthy diet and preventing obesity Preventing violence and abuse Promoting mental well-being, preventing mental ill health Reducing prevalence of smoking Reducing prevalence of alcohol misuse Promoting physical activity Ensuring a good start in life for all Protection from disease and early identification Reducing economic and social inequalities and mitigating austerity Ensuring safe and health promoting natural and built environment Bwndel “ffordd o fyw” Lles meddwl Anghydraddoldebau iechyd Iechyd a llesiant staff Cydraddoldebau a hawliau dynol Ein cyfraniad fel cyflogwr Lifestyle “bundle” Mental well-being Health inequalities Staff health and well-being Equalities and human rights Our contribution as an employer 12/05/2019

5 Gofal yn agosach i’r cartref Chwe rhaglen o newid yn seiliedig ar farn rhanddeiliaid
Model clwstwr Gweithlu Gofal Cychwynnol Canolfannau Iechyd a Lles Gofal Iechyd Digidol a Thechnoleg Timau Adnoddau Cymuned Rhagnodi Cymdeithasol Peidio gorfod ateb yr un cwestiynau drosodd a throsodd Gwybod i ble ac at bwy i fynd am wybodaeth Apwyntiadau a phrofion ar yr un diwrnod yn yr un lle Cael fy asesu unwaith yn unig Deall ble rydyn ni yn y ciw Gweld yr unigolyn cywir y tro cyntaf 12/05/2019

6 Care closer to home: Six programmes of Change based on what stakeholders told us
Cluster model Primary Care workforce Health & Well-being Centres Digital Healthcare &Technology Community Resource Teams Social Prescribing Not being asked the same questions multiple times Having appointments and tests on the same day in the same place Knowing where and who to go to for information Understanding where they are in the queue Only being assessed once Seeing the right person first time 12/05/2019

7 Anghenion iechyd mwy difrifol More serious health needs Gofal Eilaidd Secondary Care
Bydd gan bob un o’r prif ysbytai (Ysbyty Gwynedd, Glan Clwyd a Maelor Wrecsam): Adran Achosion Brys lawn Gwasanaethau mamolaeth a phaediatrig dan arweiniad meddygon ymgynghorol Ystod eang o ofal meddygol a llawfeddygol, wedi’i drefnu ac achosion brys Triniaethau fasgwlaidd llai cymhleth Clinigau cleifion allanol, llawdriniaeth achosion dydd a gwasanaethau diagnostig Each of the main hospitals (Ysbyty Gwynedd, Glan Clwyd and Wrexham Maelor) will have: A full Emergency Department Consultant-led maternity and paediatric services A wide range of medical and surgical care, both for planned care and emergencies Less complex vascular procedures Outpatient clinics, day case surgery and diagnostic services 12/05/2019

8 Gwasanaethau Trydyddol – datblygu ein Uchelgais Tertiary Services – developing our ambition
Rydym eisoes yn gwneud hyn - Canser pen a gwddf Canser GB Uwch PCI Cychwynnol Rydym yn gweithredu - SuRNICC Fasgwlaidd Rydym yn datblygu cynigion Canser Pelfig / Llawdriniaethau Robotaidd Uned(au) Strôc Tra-lym We already do this - Head and Neck cancer Upper GI Cancer Primary PCI We are implementing - SuRNICC Vascular We are developing proposals Pelvic Cancer / Robotic surgery Hyper Acute Stroke Unit(s) 12/05/2019

9 Camau nesaf Next steps Cyfathrebu’r strategaeth i’r boblogaeth
Datblygu manylion y gweithrediad drwy’r cynllun tair blynedd Ymgysylltu â’n partneriaid i gyflawni yn y meysydd blaenoriaeth Ymgysylltiad parhaus a chyd-gynhyrchiad parhaus lle mae cynigion yn dal i gael eu datblygu Communicate the strategy to the population Develop implementation details through the three year plan Engage with our partners to deliver the priority areas Ongoing engagement, and ongoing co-production where proposals are still in development 12/05/2019

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