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Mama’s Plant.

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Presentation on theme: "Mama’s Plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mama’s Plant

2 Act I, scene one when Mama first enters
What Happens? *The plant is not hardy * “Growing doggedly” What Does It Mean? Despite the environment, the plant does not shrivel up and die

3 The end of Act I, scene one
What Happens? *Mama loves the frail little plant *She waters it and gives it sunlight What Does It Mean? Represents the garden that Mama never had

4 Act II, scene three when Mama prepares the plant for the move
What Happens? *Beneatha implies that Mama should leave “that raggedy-looking old thing behind” *Mama asserts, “It expresses ME!” What Does It Mean? Mama has gone on doggedly with her life despite disappointments

5 The end of Act III What Happens? *Mama comes back onto stage for the plant, which has nearly been left behind What Does It Mean? Represents the capacity to endure, the past that we always take with us into the future, and the dreams that never entirely fade away

6 Other Symbols!

7 Beneatha’s hair: Struggle between assimilationism and ethnic pride Ruth’s ironing: Desire and effort to smooth things out to avoid conflict The insurance check: Opportunity The Nigerian gown and headpiece: Pride in African cultural background

8 A raisin in the sun: A dream that withers away The liquor store: A false ideal or goal Clybourne Park: Opportunity Challenges and possible danger The rat in Act I, scene ii: Everything trapped in the city The trips Walter describes in Act II, scene ii: Search for freedom and meaning

9 The End

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