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Native Fish Conservation Areas Partnership Proposal

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1 Native Fish Conservation Areas Partnership Proposal

2 Fisheries Conservation Foundation
-nonprofit foundation that promotes the work and knowledge of aquatic scientists, resource managers, and environmental professionals. -founded in 2003 as an outreach arm of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) -mission is to promote a better understanding of marine and freshwater fishery resources among fishery users, the general public, and political decision makers, and to encourage the enlightened management of fisheries resources for their optimum use and enjoyment by the public.

3 What is a Native Fish Conservation Area?
-Native Fish Conservation Areas are watersheds where management emphasizes conservation and restoration of native aquatic species, and their habitats. -goal is to sustain the integrity of key aquatic habitats in order to maintain long-term persistence of native aquatic species

4 A New Era of Fisheries Conservation
-conservation of entire communities rather than single species -focus on long-term conservation needs -involvement of broad constituencies -cooperation with private landowners -coordination of conservation efforts -strong habitat orientation -encouragement of compatible uses

5 Why do we need a network of Native Fish Conservation Areas?
-ESA typically focuses on single species and is more reactive than proactive -NFCA would more cost effectively conserve entire aquatic communities -climate change and other stressors are creating new challenges to the conservation of freshwater species

6 Critical Elements -protect, restore and maintain watershed-scale natural processes under a management plan that is developed with affected stakeholders. -sufficiently large and intact watersheds to nurture all the life history pathways of the species being protected. -adequate institutional structure, stakeholder commitment, policies, legal framework and stable long-term funding.

7 Current Partnership

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