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Narrative Reports: The single form

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1 Narrative Reports: The single form
Development of integrated project and financial management tools in conformity with the 2003 FPA Narrative Reports: The single form In collaboration with

2 A single form to ALWAYS use for:
Project proposals (any type) Interim Narrative Report Pre final Narrative Report Final Narrative Report the Single Form

3 The following must be enclosed:
Preparation of the Single Form requires knowledge of the ECHO PCM manual The following must be enclosed: Logframe Workflow Map of the area Other documents should be enclosed as required by the situation (e.g. ToR evaluation, audit, visibility plan) the Single Form

4 Complexity of the project Evaluability of the project
the Single Form Complexity of the project Focus on Evaluability of the project

5 The SF is composed of 13 sections
All sections are completely filled in to “convince” of the importance of proposed operation Less detail is required for operations of primary emergency and emergency SF: proposal Elements of interest

6 The following points shall always be respected
SF: proposal The following points shall always be respected Maximum lenght 30pages Estimate of needs and definition of strategy PCM log (objectives, indicators, sources) Specific information (no repetition) Respond to chck list (3.5, 5.3, 6.3, 10.4)

7 1. General information Summary:This section contains the main elements of the proposal. The humanitarian organisation must copy the contents of the sections of the proposal listed below 1.7. SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

8 2. Need Assessment A precise stakeholders analysis is required
If an assessment exists it shall be enclosed (at least a summary) Problem tree should be used as an instrument to analyze and synthesize problems SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

9 Macro contest shown by ECHO/CE
Problem Tree Macro contest shown by ECHO/CE Intervention focus

10 3. HO Strategy SF: “Sections” Elements of interest
The presence of the HO in the country/area is explained specifying: Location, sectors, donors Lessons learnt Chosen strategy is discussed Proposals shall always be discussed with regional ECHO representatives NEW!:The system to be applied by the partner for the identification of costs and charging to the different projects has to be outlined in 3.1. SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

11 4. Operational Framework
In general Logical Framework mandatory (max 3 pages) Title of operation must not exceed 120 characters (NEW!: should avoid inclusion of specific data that could change, such as the number of beneficiaries, sub-region of implementation, etc..) Requirements inserted in SF must be scrupulously respected SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

12 4. Operational Framework
In Particular Precise details are required for the beneficiaries (number, type, category, location…) Identification criteria are clearly defined Activities are sub-divided into sectors (budget, categories) SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

13 Continuing with sez. 4: the objectives
General objective (called principle objective here) shall be in line with the objectives specified by the EC decision Insert only 1 specific objective (also in line with the EC decision) Centrality of indicators (details for all expected results) and monitoring mechanism SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

14 Imp! Imp! Imp! Imp! Log Frame
Refer to the EC strategic framework and ECHO decision Imp! Refer to the EC decision & Cannot be modified Imp! Imp! Consider costs and organization of a monitoring plan Imp! Refer to the budget lines

15 SPHERE and the Logframe
SPHERE in use SPHERE and the Logframe Narrative IOV Sources of Verification Risks and assumptions General objectives 1. 2. 3. Specific objective Expected results 1.1. 1.2. Activity 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.2.1. Charter Charter and Standard Indicators Guidance notes

16 Ex. of logframe with SPHERE indicators (from OXFAM)
C. SPHERE in use Ex. of logframe with SPHERE indicators (from OXFAM) Narrative IOV Sources of Verification Risks and assumption General objectives Contribute to improve health conditions of refugees and local inhabitants Improvement % of the main health indicators statistic information collected by WHO Specific objectives Level of water connected disease in refugees and local inhabitants reduced to pre-war levels decrease in water-connected disease by 20% within 6 months Survey Interim evaluation. Final evaluation Expected results 1. Within 6 months refugees will have adeguate, appropriate and safe hygienic services women may safely use hygienic service 400 latrines appropriately constructed/used minimum distance of 50 meters between household and latrines latrine monitoring record Focus Group : women Activity Consultation with women to identify suitable sites for hygienic services Construction of 400 gender-segregated latrines conforming to international standards Training and equipping 40 people responsible for latrines […] Charter Standard Indicators Indicators and guidance notes

17 5. Risks & Assumptions SF: “Sections”
External factors are explained and monitored (the partner should explain how they would react to mitigate their effects on the implementation of the operation and what other options would be envisaged to achieve results) The field safety situation is outlined and, if they exist, specific protocols for the operative context in question SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

18 6. Resources Required Local and expatriate staff are divided (1 & 2)
Function is specified and estimated costs discussed Purchasing procedures are detailed (goods, equipment) SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

19 7, 8, 9. LRRD , Mainstreaming & Visibility/communication strategy
The questions “substainability” and “mainstreaming” are discussed If there are funds for visibility the expense must be justified (Visibility Plan) SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

20 10. Field Coordination and local implementing Partners
Mechanisms of connection are explained (Field coordination) NEW!: This section provides information on procedures for the award of service (consultants, audit, training, evaluation, etc.) and work contracts (building of houses,…). Information related to procurement of equipment and goods is given in point 6.3. The partner shall indicate in this section all derogations requested so that ECHO can take a decision and if necessary include them in the Special conditions of the Agreement. SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

21 11, 12, 13. Financial & administrative information & conclusion
Basic information on the project is stated NEW!: When requesting 100% funding, the partner must provide the reasons on which the request is based in 11.2 NEW!: In case of pre-dating of the eligibility of expenditures, the reasons on which the request is based should be presented in section Space for conclusions and comments SF: “Sections” Elements of interest

22 The same format of the proposal is used (Single Form)
It must state in detail progress made STRICTLY following the original plan Wherever the data of the proposal has been modified or complemented, modifications or complementary information should be easy to identify visually (NEW!: using track changes or different colours and fonts). Logframe representing the progress made is reported SF: Interim Report Elements of interest

23 To change parts insert activities and changes made, insert the phrase Not Applicable in parts not modified Section 4 becomes the most important section with special attention to: SF: Interim Report Elements of interest The beneficiaries The indicators

24 Special attention must be paid to:
Note the starting date of the operation and in case of inserting a date different from that specified in GA, give a reason Request, with a justification, any eventual extension of the implementation period Do not modify in any way the specified objective Duly justify any inherent changes in budget Up date relating to 15/30 days preceeding report depending on project type SF: Interim Report Elements of interest

25 Mandatory only for the types of decision which call for it
Always the same format Substantially similar in form and objective to the Interim Report The preliminary final report is the last chance to introduce a request for amendment. SF: Pre-final Report Elements of interest

26 Use the same format (Single Form)
Defines the framework reached at end of operation The “rules” of filling it in remain unvaried SF: Final Report Elements of interest

27 SF: Final Report Previously used methods for supplying information are still valid Extreme care must be made in filling the Sections 4 (Operational Framework), 6 (Resources), 7 (LRRD), 8 (Mainstreaming) e (Visibility) All additional comments are to be made in section 13 Indicators (levels reached), modifications made to plan and possible impact are detailed and discussed All details of procedures followed for the contract are supplied Elements of interest

28 The end

29 The end

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