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Examples of sagittal histologic images and color-coded maps from 7

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1 Examples of sagittal histologic images and color-coded maps from 7
Examples of sagittal histologic images and color-coded maps from 7.25 to 9 mm from the midline. Examples of sagittal histologic images and color-coded maps from 7.25 to 9 mm from the midline. Continuation of the series shown in Figure 3. The black dashed contour in VL indicates the approximate dorsal boundary of VLv. Groups of cells in adjacent motor nuclei reach significantly into each other territories making the boundary between them very uneven. Despite the low contrast this can be noticed in histologic images in the left column. These zigzags are smoothed in 3D volume due to technical limitations. Zi, zona incerta; lf, lenticular fasciculus, the rest of the labeling as in Figure 3. Igor Ilinsky et al. eNeuro 2018;5:ENEURO ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience

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