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The Stages of Change Model of Health Education

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1 The Stages of Change Model of Health Education
Prochaska and Di Clemente’s created the ‘Stages of Change’ Model. It is widely accepted and used in substance misuse services, eg smoking, alcohol and illegal substances. There are five stages within the process of behaviour change

2 Planning for change Thinking about change Making a change Relapsing
Happy to continue with current behaviour Thinking about change Making a change Relapsing Maintaining change Stable changed behaviour Prochaska and Di Clemente’s model of Behaviour Change

3 The Stages of Change Model
1. Thinking about change People are aware that a problem exists and are seriously thinking about overcoming it but have not yet made a commitment to take action What are her cues to action? Why might she be thinking about change?

4 The Stages of Change Model
2. Planning for Change People in this stage are planning to take action in the next month, and have unsuccessfully taken action in the past year

5 The Stages of Change Model
Mmmm, nice cup of tea..... NOT! 3. Making a change Individuals modify their behaviour, experiences or environment in order to overcome their problems. It requires considerable commitment of time and energy This man has modified his behaviour to drink tea instead of alcohol.

6 The Stages of Change Model
4. Maintaining change People work to prevent relapse and consolidate the gains attained during action They might attend group therapy, like alcoholics anonymous

7 The Stages of Change Model
5. Relapsing It is known that in many cases the person will relapse and have to repeat the cycle many times before they can exit the cycle, eg have maintained new behaviour. Time to think about change again

8 Socioeconomic Factors Which Affect Behaviour
Not everyone has the same ability to bring about change in their health behaviours. Some Socioeconomic factors: Peer Pressure Education Social Class Income Employment status Poverty Housing Geographic differences Gender Sexuality Peoples’ social and economic backgrounds can make a difference to whether behaviour change is made or not. Income – if someone has pots of money it might be harder to give up habits (like coke, alcohol) because readily available.

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