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Concentrations of particulate matter in France : results and key findings Olivier Le Bihan, François Mathe, Jean-Luc Houdret, Bertrand Bessagnet, Patrice.

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Presentation on theme: "Concentrations of particulate matter in France : results and key findings Olivier Le Bihan, François Mathe, Jean-Luc Houdret, Bertrand Bessagnet, Patrice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concentrations of particulate matter in France : results and key findings
Olivier Le Bihan, François Mathe, Jean-Luc Houdret, Bertrand Bessagnet, Patrice Coddeville, Paolo Laj, Nathalie Poisson, Souad Bouallala, Cécile Honoré, Laure Malherbe, Laurence Rouïl

2 PM measurement network
- Implemented by 38 local organisations in charge of the AQ monitoring networks - More than 300 PM10 monitoring stations (85% TEOM, 15% b gauges) - 65 PM2.5 urban/suburban monitoring stations (TEOM) - Field campaigns - Specific sites devoted to scientific research (Puy-de-Dôme)

3 The puy de Dôme station Aerosol Parameters Continuous measurements
Size distribution (3-400 nm) - DMPS Size distribution (125 nm- 10 µm) - OPC Cluster ions (0,3 – 40 nm) - AIS Inorganic and organic composition (OC-EC) Organic speciation (CARBOSOL) Scattering coefficient -Nephelometer 3l Absorption coefficent -Aethalometer Radionucleides Natural and artificial Aerosol Mass Aerosol Optical depth (2007) Vertical distribution (LIDAR – 2007) Precipitation and wet chemistry Continuous measurements Rainfall rate – Rain jauge Droplet distribution – Doppler radar Rain Inorganic and organic chemistry Cloud physics (radius, LWC) Cloud chemistry Radionucleides Natural and artificial

4 Chemical composition dependent from the site typology and the season
PM10 analysis - annual average varies from 22 to 25 ug/m3 - Highest concentrations obtained in Marseilles and Paris areas and at industrial sites Chemical composition dependent from the site typology and the season

5 Special case of the Puy de Dôme station
Winter : 2 ug/m3 Summer : 5 ug/m3 A very large fraction of the organic component originates from biomass burning, especially during winter time. Increase in summer due to VOC oxydation (secondary OA) ( NO3 and NH4 measurements not considered )

6 Correlation between PM10 concentrations
- Based on daily PM10 averages - Regressions between pairs of stations - Slopes of the regression allow to identify linkages on the spatial pattern - Correlation coefficients relies to the temporal aspect - Seasonal analysis Correlated geographical areas - summer Correlated geographical areas - winter

7 PM 2.5 statistics Averages of daily concentrations
Highest urban concentrations in the south-West (15 ug/m3), in the south-East (17 ug/m3), in the Lyon area (15ug/m3): different reasons should be invoked Lowest concentrations in the Western part of France (10 to 13 ug/m3) Specific situation of the traffic sites in Paris area

8 Statistics related to “twins sites” in the North
Moy1 Moy2 Nbias(%) Var ratio Corr (sub.) (urb.) Nbias = Var ratio = ratio of variances (suburban over urban) Corr = correlation coefficient Summer Different “increments” for different urban sites Large sensitivity to the season - Stronger correlation in summer Winter Larger differences in variance in winter

9 PM2.5 vs PM10 ratio (non volatile data)
Summers Years Winters

10 The volatile fraction issue
“Metrological” correction based on the implementation of FDMS devices for TEOM and RST devices for b gauges

11 Example : Peyrusse-Vieille (EMEP)
Relative combined uncertainty (DoE guidance) at the mean value : 13,6 % (2 µg/m3) TEOM-FDMS/HVS 7th September – 15 th November 2005 Aver Conc : 15 µg/m3 Min : 5 µg/m3 Max : 34 µg/m3 Average Temp 15°C (Min 7 – Max 20°C) Average Hum 80% (Min 57- Max 96%) TEOM (50°C)/HVS MATERIALS 2 HVS (gravim.) : U.B.S. = 0,64 µg/m3 2 TEOM-FDMS : U.B.S. = 0,86 µg/m3 1 TEOM (50°C)

12 PM Modelling as a complementary tool
- PM forecasts are provided by the PREV’AIR system ( - Based on CHIMERE model simulations - Analysis of phenomenology especially long range pollution events (ammonium nitrate)

13 Prev’air scores (for PM10)
Lag of the forecast Rural stations Suburban stations Observed mean (µg/m3) D (Nbr Obs: 358) 17.3 (Nbr Obs:1345) D (Nbr Obs: 358) 17.3 (Nbr Obs:1346) D (Nbr Obs: 351) 17.4 (Nbr Obs:1320) D (Nbr Obs: 346) 17.5 (Nbr Obs:1298) Simulated mean (µg/m3) D D D D Normalized Bias (%) D D D D NMSE (%) D D D D Correlation D D D D E50% (%) D D D D

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