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UNIT 2 (ch 3,4,5).

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1 UNIT 2 (ch 3,4,5)

2 Chapter 3 – Achieving Good Mental Health

3 Developing Your Self-Esteem
Mental/emotional Health – the ability to accept yourself and others, adapt to and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in life

4 Characteristics of Good Mental & Emotional Health
Sense of belonging – emotional attachment to family, friends, and other people that provide comfort and assurance; provides stability Sense of purpose – recognize values and importance Positive outlook – seeing the bright side and having hope Autonomy/Self-Sufficiency – confidence to make responsible and safe decisions, promote sense of independence Positive self-esteem – feeling of self confidence

5 Resilient – the ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis
Self-esteem – how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself Competence – having enough skills to do something Self talk – encouragement or criticism that you give yourself; affects self-esteem

6 Improving Self Esteem Choose friends who value and respect you
Focus on positive aspects about yourself Replace negative self-talk wit supportive self-talk Work toward accomplishments rather than perfection Consider your mistakes learning opportunities Try new activities to discover your talents Write down your goals and the steps you will take to achieve them Exercise regularly to feel more energized Volunteer your time to help someone Accept the thinks you can’t change, and focus your energy on changing the things you can

7 Hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow
a ranked list of those needs essential to human growth and development, presented in ascending order, starting with basic needs and building toward the need for reaching your highest potential

8 Hierarchy of needs Physical Needs
survival needs (food, water, sleep, and shelter) lack of nutrients interferes with function taken for granted


10 Hierarchy of needs Need for Safety familiar places familiar people

11 Hierarchy of needs Need to Belong love, belonging, valued
if babies are denied, they could die emotionally stunted, have behavior problems

12 Hierarchy of needs Need to Be Valued, Recognized Appreciated
need to know, achieve, recognized

13 Hierarchy of needs Need to Achieve Full Potential
self-actualization – striving to be the best you can be having goals that motivate you and inspire you have courage to make changes learning self discipline

14 Developing Personal Identity and Character
Personal Identity – your sense of yourself as a unique individual Your interest Likes/dislikes Talents/abilities Values/beliefs Goals

15 Role Model someone whose success or behavior serves as an example for you

16 Personality complex set of characteristics that make you unique and sets you apart Includes emotional make-up, attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors Composed of tendencies born with and characteristics you develop in response to life like situations

17 The Importance of Good Character
Character – the distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves A person of good character demonstrates core ethical values such as responsibility, honesty, and respect


19 Traits of Good Character
Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship Integrity – firm observance of core ethical values


21 Process to Recognizing a Positive Identity
Recognize strengths and weaknesses Demonstrate positive values Develop a purpose Form meaningful relationships Avoid unhealthful risk behaviors Contribute to the community


23 Constructive criticism
nonhostile comments that point out problems and encourage improvement

24 Expressing Emotions in Healthful Ways
Emotions – signals that tell your mind and body how to react Hormone – chemical secreted by your glands that regulates the activities of different body cells


26 Common Types of Emotions
Happiness – pleased, carefree Sadness – caused by disappointment or rejection Love – strong affection, deep concern, respect, supporting others, receive & give Fear – SNS: increased HR and BR; a learned behavior phobias – irrational fear

27 Common Types of Emotions
Guilt – emotional response when you think you’ve done something wrong; feeling of shame or regret; associated with low self esteem Anger – can be silent or open hostility – intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior people with chronic hostility are 4-7 more times likely to die of heart disease

28 Managing Emotions Empathy – ability to imagine and understand how someone feels Defense Mechanisms – mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and situations

29 Types of Defense Mechanisms
Repression – involuntary pushing of unpleasant feelings out of conscious thought Suppression – conscious, intentional pushing of unpleasantness from one’s mind Rationalization – making excuses to explain a situation or behavior rather than directly taking responsibility for it

30 Types of Defense Mechanisms
Regression – reverting to behaviors more characteristic of an earlier stage of development rather than dealing with the conflict in a mature manner Denial – unconscious lack of acknowledgement of something that is obvious to others Compensation – making up for weaknesses and mistakes through gift-giving, hard work, or extreme efforts

31 Types of Defense Mechanisms
Projection – attributing your own feelings or faults to another person or group Idealization – seeing someone else as perfect, ideal, or more worthy than everyone else

32 Handling Fear Identify the fear Have a confidant

33 Dealing with Guilt identify the underlying cause

34 Managing Anger Do something to relax Rechannel energy
Talk with someone you trust Get away, cry Write down feelings Punch a pillow

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