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CIS Work Programme Introduction

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1 CIS Work Programme 2010-2012 Introduction
WFD Team, DG ENV.D.2, European Commission

2 Introduction Principles of Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) remain valid Need to simplify CIS Working Groups will continue and some key topics should remain Better dissemination needed

3 Topics for discussion today
Types of activities List of activities Proposals for better dissemination

4 1. Types of activities Working Groups:
Develop implementing provisions, support Committee, stable membership, COM (+MS) lead ‘Continuous exchange groups’: SSG/EN Continuous information exchange and in depth discussions, MS/COM lead Ad hoc activities Workshops prepared by core group, nominations per event via WD/SCG

5 1. Types of activities Points for discussion:
Is division in three types of activities useful? Does it contribute to a simplification and if not, how can this be achieved? How to deal with sub-groups?

6 2. List of activities Presentation per activity
Discussion points per activity: Is the activity relevant for the implementation of WFD/FD/related Directives? Are the objectives clear? Are the main tasks clear? Does the activity fit in a simplified CIS?

7 3. Better dissemination At EU level: At MS level:
More access to restricted part of CIRCA Restructure public part of CIRCA CIS meeting list public At MS level: Share experiences and discuss suggestions

8 Request to SCG Discuss Types of activities List of activities Better dissemination Agree on the list of activities to be presented to the Water Directors as the basis for the development of the detailed work programme

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