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Pole-Mounted Lights (Barn Lights) Proven UES Measure Proposal Regional Technical Forum January 22, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Pole-Mounted Lights (Barn Lights) Proven UES Measure Proposal Regional Technical Forum January 22, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pole-Mounted Lights (Barn Lights) Proven UES Measure Proposal Regional Technical Forum January 22, 2014

2 Todays Agenda Measure Overview and History Staff Highlighted Areas Subject Matter Expert Interviews UES Workbook – Measure Descriptions – Measure Analysis and Input Details – Savings, Cost, and Cost Effectiveness RTF Staff Recommendation Proposed Decision 2

3 Measure Overview What is a barn light? Photo from Pole- or wall- mounted Photocell- controlled NEMA Type V dusk-till-dawn fixture Typically use 100-200W HID lamps (base case) Often owned and maintained by utilities 3

4 Measure History 2011 BPA study investigated measure cost- effectiveness, but the measure was not presented to RTF. The 2011 study included: – Interviews with utility lighting Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to determine base case equipment types and distributions across BPA territory – Estimation of project costs – Estimation of measure cost-effectiveness 4

5 Measure History (continued) In late 2013, RTF Small and Rural (SR) Subcommittee decided to investigate barn lights as a potential UES measure Scope of the SR barn lights measure investigation: – Repeat SME interviews from 2011 to update/verify base case equipment types and distributions – Expand SMEs interviewed to include BPA utilities and IOUs – Develop ProCost workbook using updated base case characterizations, equipment costs, and EULs 5

6 Staff Highlighted Areas None. 6

7 Subject Matter Expert (SME) Interviews SMEs interviewed in 2013: IndividualUtilityRegion Erin Hope*BPAE Washington Dick Stroh*BPAIdaho David BoppFlathead ElectricNW Montana Jim MaunderRavalli ElectricW Montana Vic HubbardFranklin PUDS Washington John WilsonBPAAll BPA territory Virginia HarmanGlacier ElectricNW Montana Michael LanePuget Sound EnergyNW Washington Mariah SchrotzbergerEnergy Trust of OregonOregon (IOU territories) Steve SchauerOregon Trail Electric CoopE Oregon * SME was also interviewed as part of 2011 Barn Lights study conducted by BPA. 7

8 SME Interview Findings Majority of utility-owned barn lights are high pressure sodium, with smaller numbers of mercury vapor and metal halide lamps in service. SMEs did not put a quantitative estimate on the percent distribution between the lamp types; instead, many SMEs said most lamps are HPS. SMEs reported existing HID lamps with wattages of 100 - 1000W, with the majority of the lamps on the lower end of the spectrum (100-250W). Two utilities interviewed reported that they were replacing some HID barn lights with induction or LEDs – Oregon Trail Electric Coop and Ravalli are replacing 100W HPS lamps with 50W LEDs on a replace-on-burnout basis, and leveraging BPA Lighting Calculator incentive.

9 SME Interview Findings (continued) All SMEs reported that utility-owned barn lights are photocell-controlled. There are currently no LED lamp replacements available for replacement of 200W+ HIDs; the measure base case options are therefore limited to 100-175W HID lamps. Two SMEs reported already existing deemed incentive offerings for HID to LED retrofits. – SMEs mentioned they thought the creation of an RTF barn light measure would create confusion with the existing incentive offerings, and they would prefer an RTF barn lights measure was not created.

10 SME Interview Findings (continued) Current Practice of barn light lamp replacement – 100, 150, and 200W HID lamps Replaced with similar 100, 150, and 200W HID lamps on burnout Some pilot projects replacing HID with LED, but not enough for a Current Practice baseline adjustment – 175W Metal Halide (MH) lamps Replaced with similar 175W MH bulbs on burnout – 175W Mercury Vapor (MV) lamps Commonly replaced with 100W HPS lamps on burnout For this reason, Current Practice for a 175W MV lamp assumed to be a 100W HPS lamp

11 Other Findings There is only one LED lamp on the market (the Evluma® 50W Clearlight Beacon LED) that is a suitable replacement for HID barn lights up to 175W. – The Evluma LED is not ENERY STAR® or DLC®-approved but has been reviewed and approved for incentives by BPA. Self-ballasted inductions lamps were specified in 2011 analysis; however, there are currently no UL- listed self-ballasted induction lamps available. – Self-ballasted induction lamps were replaced with remote- ballasted induction lamps in ProCost analysis

12 Measure Descriptions Go to the following sections in the Summary tab in the proposed measure workbook:proposed measure workbook – Measure Properties – Measure Identifiers 12

13 Measure Analysis and Inputs Details Go to the following sections in the Summary tab in the proposed measure workbook:proposed measure workbook – Constant Parameters – Energy Savings Estimation Method, Parameters and Data Sources – Measure Incremental Costs and Benefits – Measure Lifetime 13

14 Savings, Cost, & Cost Effectiveness Go to the following sections in the Presentation tab in the proposed measure workbook:proposed measure workbook – Measure savings – Measure costs – Measure TRC B/C ratios 14

15 RTF Staff Recommendation Approve the Pole-Mounted Light (Barn Light) UES as Proven Set the measure status to Active Set the sunset date to January 31, 2016 – A two-year sunset period is proposed instead of a longer (e.g. five-year) period due to the rapidly- changing nature of LED costs and products 15

16 Proposed Decision I _______________ move that the RTF: Approve the Pole-Mounted Light (Barn Light) measure as a Proven UES; Set the measure status to Active; and Set the sunset date to January 31, 2016. 16

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