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___________________ <Name of School>

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Presentation on theme: "___________________ <Name of School>"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACS WASC Visiting Committee Final Presentation for International Schools
___________________ <Name of School> ___________________ <Date of Visit>

2 Focus on Learning asks…
How do you know that all students are achieving based on our schoolwide student goals and academic standards? Is the school doing everything possible to support high achievement for all its students?

3 Organization for Student Learning: School Purpose, Governance, School Leadership, Staff, School Environment, Reporting Student Progress, and School Improvement Process Areas to Celebrate Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) Areas for Focus

4 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Areas to Celebrate Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) Areas for Focus

5 Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth
Areas to Celebrate Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) Areas for Focus

6 Resource Management and Development
Areas to Celebrate Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) Areas for Focus

7 The China Context (for NCCT/WASC schools only)
Areas to Celebrate Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) Areas for Focus

8 ONESQA Standards (for WASC/ONESQA schools only)
Areas to Celebrate Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) Areas for Focus

9 Celebrate Schoolwide Strengths
Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report)

10 Critical Areas for Focus
Your own self-study identified and you should continue to work on Areas for Focus Text here (Use key phrases from VC Report) As you plan and implement your work, include

11 Making it happen: Ongoing Work
Text here (e.g., use of data, professional dialogue about student work and learning)

12 Schoolwide Action Plan
Visualize what will be different for students…. One year from now? Two years from now? Three years from now?

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