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Welcome to Maths at Hagley Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Maths at Hagley Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Maths at Hagley Primary School.
We teach for Mastery. Teaching for Mastery helps pupils to develop a deep and sustainable understanding of Maths through a depth before breadth approach.

2 The National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014) aims to ensure that all pupils:
- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics - reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry - can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems. We do this through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach allowing children to see Maths in different ways. Fluency is of utmost importance is enable children to access every area of the Maths curriculum.

3 Examples of Mastery approaches
Is is equivalent to ? Using a bar model, show me how is equivalent to

4 WALT use and apply our knowledge to puzzles. Odd number Even number Prime number Square number Multiple of 9 Multiple of 4 Greater than 50 Triangular number

5 Challenge – greater depth
WALT use and apply our knowledge to puzzles. Your task With your partner, use your label and number tiles to complete the grid. What do you have to consider when placing your labels? Parents Ask questions as you go – here are some examples to help you. Why have you chose to place that number there? Could that number go anywhere else? Why? Challenge – greater depth If you have finished, can you use any 25 consecutive numbers to complete the grid?

6 How you can help your child at home
Encourage a positive mindset in Maths. Tell them how good they are. Let your child know that they have unlimited maths potential and that being good at maths is all about working hard. Explain how much you enjoy the subject. Always be encouraging and never tell them they are wrong when they are working on maths problems. Instead find the logic in their thinking. For example if your child multiplies 3 by 4 and gets 7, say – Oh I see what you are thinking, you are using what you know about addition to add 3 and 4, when we multiply we have 4 groups of 3… Encourage good number sense. For example, when working out , if you take one from the 56 and make it , it is much easier to work out. The flexibility to work with numbers in this way is what is called number sense and it is very important. If you are worried about confusing your child with a different method when supporting your child with home tasks, use our calculation policy on the school website to support you child with home learning. Encourage your child to play Maths games and puzzles. The next two slides have a list of apps and websites you and your child may enjoy.

7 Useful websites and apps
Useful Websites for Children Useful Websites for Parents/Carers

8 Useful websites and apps
Useful Apps (free unless otherwise stated)

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