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The Northern Netherlands co-operation between three provinces

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1 The Northern Netherlands co-operation between three provinces
Luc Hulsman Programme manager The Northern Netherlands Provinces

2 The Northern Netherlands:
3 provinces; relatively sparsely populated; 25% area; 10% population of NLs attractive countryside Economics: traditionally lagging behind; 8% contribution to GDP of NLs but, making up for the differences

3 Co-operation: historically strong ties between provinces;
1992 formalized: legal base for partnership; formation of a small administrative organization; aim: coordinated regional spatial-economic policies

4 Regional economic policy
Strategic Agenda Three track policy: towards innovation and a knowledge economy a competitive establishment climate in urban areas retaining and strengthening an attractive countryside Underlying principle: focus on what each province is best at

5 Regional economic policy
Major instruments: Operational Programme , objective ‘Regional competitiveness and employment’ National ‘Peaks in the Delta’- programme Programmes ‘dovetailed’ together → avoiding dispersion of efforts

6 Focusing on what you’re best at:

7 Interaction between the clusters:
Blue Energy Lofar Geofysics Watersense

8 ‘Outside’ connections:
Lofar, Wetsus & Energy Valley: consortia of knowledge institutes, universities and industrial partners, in the Netherlands and abroad E.g. Lofar: Universities of Groningen, Amsterdam, Leiden, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (Bonn, Germany) Wetsus: Wageningen University and Research Centre Energy Valley: University of Groningen, Gasunie, Gazprom (Energy Delta Institute)

9 Lofar- search for business partners
Presentations for industry open and non-committal way to make contacts R&D-collaboration agreements pre-competitive phase; in compliance with EU-rules; transfer of knowledge; relatively small investment by companies Public procurement procedure

10 Conclusion Fostering innovation in the Northern
Netherlands provinces: the method works (for us) but, difficulties remain: e.g. linking with 7th Framework Programme ESF centralized in the Netherlands focus on lower and middle levels of professional education

11 Thank you for your attention
more information at: mail:

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